Updated with commented out section for Animal Handling Stats.
==Animal Handling Stats == <!-- Include this section if the mob can be tamed using Animal Handling. --><!--{{MOB AH| name = Ice Bear| level to tame= 43| max level = 70| max bond level = 70| max happiness = 100| max enthusiasm = 10| attack = {{Combat Ability|Slashing Damage}}, {{Combat Ability|Crushing Damage}}| sic em = Grant Owner Cold Mitigation| clever trick = Slashing Damage and Taunt| bonus = Damage Boost| weaknesses = Electricity, Acid| resists = Crush, Trauma, Ice (very)}}{{MOB AHVital| vital level= Tamed| health = 413| armor = 331}}{{MOB AHVital| vital level= 70| health = 737| armor = 662}}{{MOB AHVital| vital level= Max(70)| health = 737| armor = 662}}-->
If the monster is a boss (any uniquely named monster), add the Bosses Category: [[Category:Bosses]]
The infobox, if filled out properly, will add [[Category:Has curse]] if needed.
The infobox will also add the proper tag for the monster's anatomy type, if filled in.
[[Category:Template guides]]