I should disclose that I paid for this interview, and it was not cheap: [[Ormorek]] would only give an interview if I agreed to replace the roof of his favorite bar. When I agreed to this price, I did not realize the roof was made of one incredibly thick piece of stone. Since it is in [[New Aufghel]]'s historical district, the bar's appearance could not be changed, so I needed to have a new roof delivered. Needless to say it cost quite a bit of money. But I'm sure I'll eventually make the millions of Councils back on the long-tail sales of this epic interview! (That's a writer's joke.) So without further ado:
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[[The Sage's Lectern, Vol 1]]... Welcome to the first installment of The Sage's Lectern. I'm Reginald the Pretty Good Mage -- formerly known as Reginald the Archmage, but that's a separate topic. Some volumes will be travelogues, while others, such as this one, will be interviews. For this first volume I've arranged something very special: an interview with [[Ormorek]], God of Bitterness!
=====Interview with Ormorek=====