→January 23 Hotfix: Spelling.
: - Raising [[Cheesemaking]] to 60 no longer requires Cheesemaking level 60 to unlock.
: - Raising [[Psychology]] to 70 no longer requires Psychology level 70 to unlock.
: - A second copy of [[AlvaresaAlravesa]] the All-Hunter is available in [[Rahu]] to unlock level 61-70 [[Archery]]. She shares favor with the Alvaresa in [[Amulna]], but only the one in Rahu can unlock those skill levels. (We'll be back to one Alvaresa Avalresa soon, don't worry.)
: - If you unlocked [[Carpentry]], [[Fletching]], [[Leatherworking]], [[Blacksmithing]], [[Tailoring]], or [[Toolcrafting]], the skill did not show up properly and could not gain XP. This is now fixed. If you already unlocked the skill, you do not have to pay to unlock the skill again.
: - The XP table for [[Armor Patching]] was messed up, making it often impossible to earn XP in the skill.