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The troubled valleys of Eltibule are even more dangerous than they should be. Droaches have leaked out of the dark places in the ground to cause mayhem to the surface ecologies. Druids, go now and make it right. Fire droaches flow from the dwarven statues and congregate near the central keep. Defeat them to lure out the more calculating electric droaches, and then defeat those as well. ''This quest is a level 50 Druidic Emergency occurring in [[Eltibule]] with multiple variations depending on the number of Druids online at the start of the event. Druids will receive the '''Druidic Emergency''' debuff, granting +10% Base Druid Damage while blocking earned combat experience, crafting experience, and combat wisdom. This debuff stays until the event has been completed.''
{{Quote|The troubled valleys of [[Eltibule]] are even more dangerous than they should be. Droaches have leaked out of the dark places in the ground to cause mayhem to the surface ecologies. Druids, go now and make it right.
[[Fire Droach|Fire droaches]] flow from the dwarven statues and congregate near the central keep. Defeat them to lure out the more calculating [[Angry Sparking Droach|electric droaches]], and then defeat those as well.}}
{{Spoiler|Expected Participants: 10|
* Kill 12 Fire DroachesDroach* Kill 8 Sparking DroachesDroach}}
{{Spoiler|Expected Participants: 20|
* Kill 35 Fire DroachesDroach* Kill 15 Sparking DroachesDroach}}
{{Spoiler|Expected Participants: 30|
* Kill 60 Fire DroachesDroach* Kill 30 Sparking DroachesDroach}}
{{Spoiler|Rewards for Droach Invasion|