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Rhino Guardian

42 bytes removed, 01:20, 12 July 2015
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; [[Serbule Crypt]]
: Beyond the [[Energy Key|Energy Keys]]s. ==Curse==A rhino has gored a giant hole in your storage devices! -10 Inventory.This is a permanent curse. You must defeat the Guardian Rhino to remove it.
==Combat Abilities==
''Boss, Extreme Armor Regeneration''
* Piercing Knockback
* Ranged Fire Damage
* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Piercing Knockback Stun Curse
A rhino has gored a giant hole in your storage devices! -10 Inventory.
This is a permanent curse. You must defeat the Guardian Rhino to remove it.
* Skin: Quality or Trophy RhinoDecent* Meat: ???None* Skull: Impressive AnimalNone 
==Reported Loot==
* Ivory Horn
* Level 30 gear.
 [[Category:Serbule Crypt Bosses]] [[Category:Non-Ruminant Ungulate]] [[Category:Bosses]] [[Category:Gorgon]]

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