Updated stats and lore info.
{{MOB infobox
| type = Non-Ruminant Ungulate
| armor = 341362| health = 35983573| rage = 777766
| curse = Gored Pockets
| notoriety = 200
| ineffective = Slashing, Piercing, Fire (very)
The '''Rhino Guardian''' is a Gorgon located in [[Serbule Crypt]] on the first level. He is the final guard of the [[Akhisa]] Diplomat, the [[Strange Spider]]. [[Khyrulek]] seems to have tasked him with this duty.
Much like the [[Placeholder Boss]], the Rhino Guardian appears as a gold tinted [[Rhino]] enveloped in flames. Similarly to the Placeholder Boss, the Rhino Guardian has a high level of health and armor regeneration.
A rhino has gored a giant hole in your storage devices! -10 Inventory.
This is a permanent curse. You must defeat the Guardian Rhino to remove it.
==Miscellaneous==* Skin: Quality or Trophy Rhino* Meat: ???* Skull: Impressive Animal
==Reported Loot==
* Ivory Horn