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War Caches

1,812 bytes added, 17:05, 11 January 2023
War Cache M-3
{{Spoiler| Click Expand to view the map for War Cache M-3|
[[File:War Cache M-3.png|400px]]
:Warning: Visage of Demise possible starting after door 2. Watch for green mist. Hook beasts and mummies will call them for help so deal with the Visage first.
:Door 1 (2 doors) – this sequence opens both doors:
:• top right button
:• bottom right
:• top left
:• bottom left
:Door 2 (two doors separated by a short hallway). You’ll need to open the first door and probably stay in the hallway until it closes. You can open again from the 3 buttons on the other side (top-middle-bottom). Then do the door at the end of the hallway
:• First door –
: o red button on right of door
: o N red button
: o S white button
: o bottom left button by the doors
: o top left
: o wait in the hallway until the door closes (or close the door – 1st button), then open it again and do the sequence for the 2nd door
:• Second door: You can lure mobs into the hallway if necessary so you can stay in the hallway. With the first door open –
: o In the room - Red button right of the door that just opened
: o N red button in the room and run back through the still open doors
: o Lone red button in the hallway to open the 2nd door 2.
:Door 3:
:• White button by door
:• White W button
:• Red E button
:• Red S button
:• Green E button
:• Green S button
:• White button by the door
:• White W button
:• Other south white button (not by the door though)
:• (has 3 buttons on the other side to open it again – top, middle, bottom)
:Door 4 (two doors)(red and green buttons). You’ll need to keep door 3 open – or open again (1st, 2nd, 3rd button):
:• Red E button (in the previous room)
:• Red button by door 3
:• Red button by door 4 (opens 1 door)
:• Green E in previous room
:• Green S in previous room
:• Green button by door 4 (opens the 2nd door)

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