War Caches

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Warning: Doing War Caches as a hardcore character is extremely dangerous, as you will not be able to get easily get help retrieving your gear, also dying in a war cache as a fairy will still send you to Fae Realm unless you have a Fairy Soul Anchor. Given this information, doing War Caches as a hardcore fairy player without a lot of preparation means you will likely effectively permanently lose your gear.

Button Maroon.png
War Caches
War Caches (map).png
Map of War Caches (click for larger size)
Connects to
Area Level
50 - 60
File:War CachesPlayerMap.png
Portal or entrance caption.

War Caches are small dungeons found in the Ilmari Desert that can be reached by taking quests given by Sir Johnson.

Each unique War Cache will have a code identifier in the quest log. (e.g. "S-2" or "T-1")

  • Drug (D) War Caches usually contain Rakshasa.
  • Flood (F) War Caches often have partial or completely flooded floors. Fire Mages may find their spells mostly useless here.
  • Mummy (M) War Caches are known to have the Undead Mummy creatures inside.
  • Scorpion (S) War Caches often contain Smallish Scorpions. These arthropods are Nigh Invulnerable Until Knocked Back.
  • Tornado (T) War Caches often have wind-related monsters inside.

Each time a player visits a War Cache, the map will appear fogged, and no Cartography experience will be given for exploration. However, each War Cache will have the same map layout and location of chests, bosses, and rune clues.

To begin another War Cache you must wait 20 minutes from when you received the previous map.

After receiving a War Cache map from Sir Johnson, choosing to abort the quest will delete the map from the player's inventory. War cache maps that are dropped on ground are unusable except for by the original owner.

Ilmari War Cache Dungeons

War Cache D-1

Here's your next map. A new gang of bandits moved into the area, so make yourself useful and figure out what they're up to. And get my xedrite too, obviously.

Sir Johnson


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache D-1

War Cache D-2

Remember those drug-manufacturing rakkies you found? Well, I've been hearing more rumors about it. It sounds powerful. Could be an alchemical recipe we could use in the Council military. Here's a map to a hole without any Xedrite in it. But it's in the same general area as that gang. I'm guessing it'll be swarming with the kitties, so be careful. Get in there and steal me a clean sample of the drug.

Sir Johnson


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache D-2

War Cache D-3

Here's the map for your next assignment. And you might want to hurry, I've had reports of smoke, screams, and commotion coming from there today.

Sir Johnson


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache D-3

Drinking from the cauldron will cause an Obedient Acid Slime pet to incubate, required for slaying the Mutated Test Subjects found inside.

War Cache D-4

So the drug you found out there, that Telka's Tits or whatever... it's garbage. Only works on rakkies! Most worthless drug since I got my hands on 'bounceweed'. But there's good news: the stuff is made from the silk of the rare giant sand worm, and we think other, better drugs could be made from the same stuff. And I have a lead on a cache infested with 'em! If we're lucky, you can get some samples of their silk while you're getting my xedrite. Before you leave, go see if the Sand Seer has any advice for ya on Sand Worm killin'. Or just take my advice: use archery. But no, no, the elf woman's gotta make it more complicated than that!

Sir Johnson


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache D-4

War Cache F-1

I've got a nice easy one for you. Here's the map to the war cache. We believe the cache was originally located in a Crone military city called New Argolis. Well, not really a city, more like a recreational area for off-duty Hegemony troops. Should be pretty safe. The report says there's some weird animals in there, but no bandits. Follow the map, get in, find the Weaponized Xedrite, and get out. Don't screw up! You've only got one chance -- you won't be able to get back in a second time.

Sir Johnson


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache F-1

War Cache F-2

We've found another war cache in the region that used to be 'New Argolis'. It wasn't on the front lines. Hegemony troops went there for booze and whores. So there shouldn't be any spike traps or death beams or anything. Nice and easy! In fact, I almost gave this job to my second-best finder, Kella, so I could save you for the hard ones. But she declined it... so it's all yours. She said the area is full of snakes, and she's afraid of snakes. Whoever heard of a rakkie that's afraid of snakes? What is this world coming to, I ask you? Anyway, I guess she might know what she's talking about. Bring some antivenom.

Sir Johnson


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache F-2

War Cache F-3

I've got a real easy one for you! This one's in the remains of 'New Argolis', the old R&R camp for Hegemony soldiers during the war. The Seer didn't go in, of course, but she said it smells like beer in there. I can't imagine it's still drinkable, though. Remember: wine ages, but beer just goes bad after a few decades. Don't make yourself sick!

Sir Johnson


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache F-3

War Cache F-4

Here's the map to your next mission. It used to be a holding cell for war prisoners. It sounds like it's been flooded for a while, which means the bandits will have moved on, but I'm sure there's snakes and other dumb animals in there. Oh, and ghosts. Ghosts always show up in military prisons... you're not scared of ghosts, are you? I just give 'em a stunning bash with my shield. That shuts 'em up.

Sir Johnson


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache F-4

War Cache M-1

I hope you're not afraid of mummies. I need you to go into a mummy-infested hole and get some xedrite. My other finders have chickened out, but you're better than them! You've got this! Here's the map!

Oh, better have the Sand Seer brief you on mummies first. It's good to refresh the brain!

Sir Johnson


The Sand Seer's Comment


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache M-1

War Cache M-2

Got a big ole' mummy-infested deathtrap for ya. Lots of xedrite though! I've already sent someone into this one and she came back empty-handed, sayin' it was too dangerous. So I tell ya what, I'll throw in a little something extra if you can get all three pieces. Just don't die over it!

Sir Johnson


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache M-2

War Cache M-3

This hole's near the other mummy-pits, so be on your guard. Could be mummies or other nasty undead.

Sir Johnson


Warning about monsters in M-3


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache M-3

War Cache S-1

Let's get right to work. The Sand Seer has located a new war cache entrance. Follow this map. Remember: the entrance isn't stable. You should be able to get inside and back out again, but don't expect to be able to go back a second time! The hole will collapse quickly. So you have one shot to get my Weaponized Xedrite! This seems like a pretty straightforward one. Just get in, get my Xedrite, and get out without being buried in the sand.

Sir Johnson


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache S-1

War Cache S-2

I've talked with my informants about those scorpions you found. And they WERE keeping secrets from me! Apparently scorpion poison is very valuable on the rakkie bandit market, so they've been keeping their existence secret from me. Like I give a fuck about poison glands! I just want the weaponized xedrite. Working with me should be a win-win! Why are they hiding this?! I convinced them to give me the location of another scorpion-filled pit. You're the only agent I trust in this desert -- aside from the Seer, of course -- so this one's all yours. There are two objectives this time: get my xedrite, and also get me a sample from one of these scorpions. Look for a decently scary-looking one, kill it, and bring back... well, just bring the whole thing back, I guess. The Seer wants to examine it. You should expect scorpions, of course, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were bandits in there, too. Be ready for anything! Here's the map. Get me my xedrite!

Sir Johnson

War Cache S-3

The Sand Seer examined the scorpion remains you brought back, and she found something interesting. That scorpion's carapace was infused with xedrite! She thinks xedrite dust got into their shells or something. I don't buy it. We need a lot more information. It took some bribery, but I got the location of another scorpion-filled pit for you. There's no xedrite in this one. Just go in, kill every scorpion, and bring me back those carapaces.

Sir Johnson


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache S-3

War Cache S-4

Remember those xedrite-laced scorpion corpses you brought back? Well, that xedrite is useless. It's just raw metal infused into their shells. I need weapons-grade xedrite! However, the Seer thinks there's weaponized xedrite involved. She asked for an agent to undergo an extremely dangerous assignment. So I told her you'd be right over! Here's your map. See her for further briefing.

Sir Johnson


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache S-4

War Cache T-1

This one might be tricky. The Sand Seer insists this area of the desert has "unusual isolated weather patterns". What kind of patterns, you ask? Wind storms. Wind storms! Those are completely natural for the Ilmari! But she's an elf. They're supposed to be sensitive to nature, or whatever. Anyway I hired her for her expertise, so I'd be a fool to ignore her. Here's the map. The Seer will brief you further. We've detected a lot of xedrite in this one, so do whatever it takes!

Sir Johnson


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache T-1

War Cache T-2

We've got another war cache in that problematic spider area. The Sand Seer wants you to collect some legs from those wind spiders while you're in there. Here's the map. Remember: spider legs are great and all, but don't leave without my Weaponized Xedrite!

Sir Johnson


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache T-2

War Cache T-3

Got another spider-hole for you. No xedrite detected, though, so you're not going in for that. You're going in because the Sand Seer needs more spider legs or something. I'm starting to regret listening to her about this... but she says it might be a huge crisis, so now I can't just tell her to ignore it! Do whatever she needs, and try to be quick about it. We've got xedrite to find!

Sir Johnson


The Sand Seer's Comment


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache T-3

War Cache T-4

You're finally back. Been saving this one for you! I sent my second-best xedrite-finder in already, and she came back empty-handed and mostly-dead. So it's time to show 'em why you're the best! There's xedrite in there, plus some big bug the Sand Seer wants killed. Go talk to her first.

Sir Johnson


The Sand Seer's Comment


Click Expand to view the map for War Cache T-4

Points of Interest

Minotaur Vault

Each War Cache contains one Minotaur Vault, a special type of chest that may be opened by solving a code breaking puzzle. See Safecracking for more details.

Rune Clues

There are 12 possible runes for the Minotaur Vault, but only six will be used for a given puzzle. These are labeled on wall decorations. The rune clues and vault solution are instanced per player. See Safecracking for more information.

War Cache Inhabitants


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