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Main Page Headers Bg.png
Cold, Psychic, Electricity
Crushing, Slashing, Piercing, Nature
Poison, Trauma
Tornado are living weather patterns. They also love to knock you around. Tornados are extremely difficult to hit with melee or ranged attacks and vulnerable to many burst attacks.


Crystal Cavern
Vitals: Health 275 Armor 0 Rage 348
Location: Right after the first section with Poison Slugs.
Myconian Cave
Vitals: Health 275 Armor 0 Rage 348
Location: Spawned during the boss fight with Tidal.
War Cache
Vitals: Health 939 Armor 0 Rage 890
Location: War Cache T-1.
Vitals: Health 1294 Armor 0 Rage 1073
Location: Southeastern corner.
Time Conditions: During Warden Events.

Combat Abilities

High Melee Evasion, High Projectile Evasion

icon_3070.png Electricity Damage +Power Loss
icon_2110.png Nature Knockback
icon_3070.png Electricity Damage
Rage-icon.png icon_2211.png Heavy Nature Knockback


Skin: None
Meat: None
Skull: None

Reported Loot

NOTE: This monster appears in multiple zones. All versions of the monster drop the same General Loot, but the equipment and book/scroll loot may vary from one zone to another

General Loot

  • Loot common to all variants goes here. If loot appears in all variants, put here.

Crystal Cavern Loot

Crystal Cavern Loot

  • Loot goes here

Myconian Cave Loot

Myconian Cave Loot

War Cache Loot

War Cache Loot

Ilmari Loot

Ilmari Loot