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War Caches

128 bytes added, 20:09, 12 February 2023
War Cache S-2
{{Spoiler| Click Expand to view the map for War Cache S-2|
[[File:War Cache S-2.jpg|400px]]
:• [[Tired Bandit]], [[Rakshasa Skirmisher]], [[Smallish Scorpion]], [[Decently-Scary Scorpion]], [[Vagreef the Flameproof]]
=== War Cache S-3 ===
{{Quote|source=[[Sir Johnson]]|The Sand Seer examined the scorpion remains you brought back, and she found something interesting. That scorpion's carapace was infused with xedrite! She thinks xedrite dust got into their shells or something. I don't buy it. We need a lot more information. It took some bribery, but I got the location of another scorpion-filled pit for you. There's no xedrite in this one. Just go in, kill every scorpion, and bring me back those carapaces.}}

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