Talk:A New Life

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Revision as of 06:32, 2 October 2021 by Alleryn (talk | contribs)
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I started a Fae character and I've been running through some quests.

This page needs some clean up, the last task I have to do is the hive portion, but some of this page appears to be outdated. Such as the learn fishing from NPC, when you can just pick up a crab, or learn butchering from X when you can just butcher something.

Perhaps this page was originally intended as a new Fae starting guide? I think such a guide would be a good thing, but it should be separate from the quest page itself.

Currently, my editing and play time is sporadic, but I'll try to finish the quest soon and get the page updated a bit. Feel free to modify and update the page if you wish to do so before I can get to it though. Cheers and enjoy Povus :D Ransel (talk) 22:44, 1 October 2021 (EDT)

Faeries get level 30 when they learn those new skills, if i recall correctly. Picking up a crab just gets you level 1. --Alleryn (talk) 06:32, 2 October 2021 (EDT)