Game updates/2014-09-06
[hide]September 6, 2014
Update #2
Patched bugs involving armor that didn't appear in game and made you look like a cube!
Stats Changes
- Armor now mitigates more damage (that is, it absorbs part of incoming attacks). Previously for every 25 points of armor you had left, it would mitigate 1 point of any attack. It still does this, and in addition, it mitigates 1 more for every 50 points of Max Armor you have.
- Put another way, your armor mitigates 33% more damage, and that 33% bonus doesn't go away when your armor bar is depleted
- Monsters get this new mitigation bonus also
- Nearly all monsters have additional Health, as well
- Nearly all monsters deal a little less damage
The effect of these changes should be to slow combat down a little. At very low level, all you'll notice is that monsters do less damage. But by level 50, you'll need to attack several more times to kill level 50 monsters, and you'll survive a few extra hits.
- A typical level 50 monster will have about 175 more Health than before, have 7 more mitigation, and deal 10 less damage per attack.
- A level 50 player will have 7 more mitigation, assuming they have 350 Max Armor.
- If your Health seems low at level 50, remember that foods now boost your Max Health by up to +100 (+50 from the food and another +50 from Gourmand skill)! This extra health is pretty important at high level.
As always, these are experimental changes, and are subject to constant change and tweaking. (In fact the odds of this changing again soon are very near 100%, as we continue to play-test it.) Please play with it for a couple of sessions and give us your feedback on it!
Tab Key Changed
- Changed the Tab key's default behavior. It now only targets enemies, not random crap on the ground. To target everything, including corpses and NPCs and so on, use Ctrl+Tab.
- The tab change only affects new players! If you have already installed the game but want this change, just change the key yourself. It's easy: Press the Options button (looks like a gear on the right side of the screen), press "Key Commands", and assign the Tab key to "Select Next Enemy".
New Dungeon Extension
The Goblin Dungeon beneath Serbule Keep has been significantly expanded. The new areas are designed for a large group of level 30 players. By my spreadsheet's calculations it should take 6 level 30 players. I haven't actually tested it with a real group of players, so I have no idea how fair or survivable it is.
If the green halls seem too hard to complete, consider splitting up into two groups to complete the objectives in time.
This is one of the first dungeon experiences designed for a group larger than 3, and you'll see that I threw a bunch of ideas against the wall to see what sticks. I could REALLY use your feedback on it, if you're in the general level range!
Bug Fixes
- Redid the audio system to no longer use Unity‘s buggy streaming audio API. Music should be a lot less buggy and glitchy now.
(Unless new bugs and glitches got introduced in this update, of course.)
- The slash-commands for chatting in various channels (lg, In, /p) didn't broadcast the items you'd dragged into chat. They do now
- Showing items in nearby chat never worked; it does now.
- The private message commands (It, /r) did send items you'd dragged into chat, but they weren't shown for the sender, only the receiver, making people think they hadn‘t gone through
- Fixed targeting issues relating to Brain Bugs
- Fixed performance issue when selecting NPCs and when having certain abilities on your hotbar
- Fixed Al bugs with monsters that gave up too quickly
- Fixed armor appearance bugs
- Added a "cheat code" slash command in the tutorial dungeon. About halfway through a box pops up and tells you how to bail out of the tutorial if you're bored
- Fixed bugs with the selection hit-box of dead humanoids