Lemons Forum Posts
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The Third Forum
The following list does not contain all of Admin Lemons' posts. One-on-one technical bug-fixing responses have been left out, as well as all posts from before their time as an Admin. Announcements of events which are recorded elsewhere (usually game updates) are also left out. Please note that newer posts are listed higher in this list. Older information may be outdated.
Linking Alpha Account
- Your Alpha account and character are still there, but you can't access them with the demo version. After you purchase the game, you can contact us at support@projectgorgon.com to unlink your demo account, so that you can log in to your Alpha account and link that to your Steam account instead.
Player Housing
- We don't have an exact timeline for when player housing will be added, but it will be added sometime before the full release.
- Personally, I'm really excited for it. I'm hoping I'll be able to create a shrine of lemons, or something like that.
Alpha Account
- If you clicked the login button with the demo and made it to the character creation screen, that would have tied your Steam account to the game. If you send an e-mail to support@projectgorgon.com with your account name, and character name if you made one, we'll be able to un-link the account so that you can link your old Alpha account to the game.
Sweet or Sour Lemons
- What did you think about the "sour" lemons? Were any of the negative effects too severe? Not severe enough? And the "sweet" lemons - were they too good? Not good enough?
Reporting Procedure
- While we appreciate reports like this, we especially appreciate them when you send them through the normal methods so we can track them more easily.
- You can submit bug reports in-game by clicking the ! on the right-hand sidebar, then selecting "Bug". This is the best way to handle bug reports, as we'll be notified and be able to sort it from there. An alternative to that, if you have pictures, or files to add, would be submitting an e-mail to support@projectgorgon.com.
- We do keep an eye on the forums, but it's a lot easier for a forum report to slip through the cracks. Both in-game reports and e-mails to support@projectgorgon.com have much better tracking systems so that nothing gets accidentally lost.
UI Lock?
- There's currently no way to lock any element of the UI in place. It may happen in the future, but it'd a ways off.
Horse Lord Questions
- If you purchase that package today, you can get the custom in-game title after the next game update.
- If you mean the special snack cakes, no they're not in-game yet.
Real Money Transactions.
- We are firmly against Real Money Transactions.
- From our Terms of Service:
- Purchasing ELDER GAME related accounts, game keys, virtual items or services from unauthorized third parties is strictly prohibited and associated accounts are subject to permanent termination. If your account is terminated for a breach of the ELDER GAME TERMS, you agree you are not entitled to a refund and agree not to seek one.
Wipe? (Old)
- There will be no wipe until full release, meaning when the game leaves Steam Early Access. That said, some aspects of your character will be wiped including but not limited to: items, currency, NPC favor levels, and favor-quests. Most skills will not be wiped. Please note, this is subject to change.
Promotion to Admin
- Thanks, guys!
Unable to Attack
- Normally when that happens it's because you're selecting another object that's not an enemy, so your attacks will gray out and give you a message saying "Target is not a combatant." Next time you see it happening, hover over one of the skills and look for the red text in the tooltip.
- Also: It could be from being stunned, having your abilities disabled, and a number of other things the enemies can do to you while you're in combat. When it happens, watch your buff bar and look for something that lasts only a few seconds.
The Second Forum
This Admin was not an admin during the time of the Second Forum.
The First Forum
This Admin was not an admin during the time of the First Forum.