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Amazing Cranberry Sauce

47 bytes added, 15:17, 18 November 2021
Updating infobox, v354
|skillreqs = Gourmand 40<br>
|description = A nuanced and complex sauce that is so good, it overshadows most meats that you might want to pair it with. When you have an amazing main dish and need an amazing sauce, this is it.
|basemods = Max Health +110<br>Health Regen +192 per update<br>Power Regen +159 per update<br>Health Regen +33 per update (in combat)<br>Power Regen +22 per update (in combat)<br>Metabolism Regen +5 per update<br>Slashing/Crushing/Piercing Mitigatation +18<br>Lasts 1 hour (plus Gourmand bonus)<br>Meal Level 55
|value = 288
|extra = {{Spoiler|

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