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Spicy Cavefish

2 bytes removed, 08:57, 25 December 2021
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|skillreqs = Gourmand 41<br>
|description = An exotic meal that uses a rare fish found only in the deepest of caves. The fish is delicious, but has a slightly bitter aftertaste that has to be drowned out by tons of lemon.
|basemods = Max Health +112<br>Health Regen +196 per update<br>Power Regen +161 per update<br>Health Regen +33 per update (in combat)<br>Power Regen +22 per update (in combat)<br>Metabolism Regen +5 per update<br>Slashing/Crushing/Piercing Mitigatation Mitigation +18<br>Lasts 1 hour (plus Gourmand bonus)<br>Meal Level 56
|value = 388
|extra = {{Spoiler|

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