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Basic Beetle Skewer

2 bytes removed, 08:59, 25 December 2021
Updating infobox, v356
|skillreqs = Gourmand 5<br>
|description = Fried beetles with salt. What's not to like? (This is a snack. Snacks stack with meal foods; you can eat one of each and get the benefits of both.)
|basemods = Max Power +20<br>Health Regen +59 per update<br>Power Regen +40 per update<br>Health Regen +8 per update (in combat)<br>Power Regen +12 per update (in combat)<br>Metabolism Regen +1 per update<br>Direct Trauma/Psychic/Nature Mitigatation Mitigation +6<br>Lasts 1 hour (plus Gourmand bonus)<br>Snack Level 20
|value = 81
|extra = {{Spoiler|

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