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Fullscreen Windowed

1,015 bytes added, 18:08, 10 February 2022
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====Step 1:Open Steam Library -> Properties====
Find Project: Gorgon in your steam library. Right click and go to Properties...
<div style="overflow: hidden">[[File:Fullscreen_Windowed_Step1.jpg|322px|left]]asg
====Step 2:"-steam -popupwindow" in Launch Options====
When you open the properties it should default to the General tab. Type "-steam -popupwindow" in the Launch Options box. Then close the window with the X in the upper right.
<div style="overflow: hidden">[[File:Fullscreen_Windowed_Step2.jpg|400px]]====Step 3:Log in to a character====Launch Project Gorgon and login in completely to a character.* Launch game* Log In!* Select Character* Enter World====Step 4:Go to settings====Hit Escape - or click on the gear on the sidebar to open up the system menu. Click on Settings.<div style="overflow: hidden">[[File:Fullscreen_Windowed_Step4.jpg|400px]]====Step 5:Graphics Show Full-Screen - Enable====Open the settings - Go to the Graphics tab on the left. What you want to change is the first 2 options.* Show Full-Screen - Enable the option* Resolution in Full-Screen Mode (set to your monitor desktop resolution)* Hit Save<div style="overflow: hidden">[[File:Fullscreen_Windowed_Step5.jpg|400px]]====Step 6:Disable Show Full-Screen====You should now be in regular Full-Screen mode where if you click on your second monitor things will minimize. Repeat step 5, however this time we will disable Show Full-Screen.* Show Full-Screen - Disabled (empty box)* Resolution set to whatever your desktop resolution is<div style="overflow: hidden">[[File:Fullscreen_Windowed_Step2Fullscreen_Windowed_Step6.jpg|400px]]

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