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Spring Court

976 bytes added, 20:04, 29 September 2015
mostly empty, but has NPCs and known lore
<div style="text-align:center; padding:1em 0 0; color:#c80000;">
Greetings everyone. Please be aware that this is a place holder page until we know more about this subject. <br/>
Feel free to add any relevant information that you may know that is not currently recorded. I have added a few sub-categories to start off.<br/>
[[| See: Council Lands for Lore References]].

==Points of Known Lore ==
The '''Spring Court''', one of the Four Fae Factions. The Spring Court is often looked down upon by the Summer Court and most Fae belonging to it are thought to be insane or evil.
The [[Spring King]] is known to have a masochistic streak, and is currently captured by the [[Winter Queen]].


====Affiliated Named NPCs====
*[[Corey The Croaker]]

====Affiliated Bosses====

====Known Affiliated Servents====

====Affiliated Elites====

====NPcs Captured/Trapped By Winter Court====



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