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Spirit Fox: Illusive Guise

44 bytes added, 04:12, 2 June 2022
Updating drops comment, drops, v361
=== Drops ===
<!-- Include items dropped from monstersTo add drops, as well as those obtained through skinning, butchering, skull extraction, etcmodify the relevant mob page and it will automatically be added to the following table.-->Example section<dpl>category = Loot/Spirit Fox:Illusive Guise;[[Eltibule]]mode = unordered* [[Fire Rat]], sometimes drops columns = 1 [[Fire Dust]]* [[Fire Spider]], often drops as much as 3-5 [[Fire Dust]].include = {MOB Location}:areatable = class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed sortable", Monster, Location</dpl
=== Gathering ===
<!-- Include items obtained from ground spawns such as fruit

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