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Poison Slug

234 bytes added, 10:07, 2 June 2022
Added Eltibule loot
==== [[Crystal Cavern]] Loot ====
''' Crystal Cavern Loot '''
| {{Loot|Ancient Bronze Coin}}
==== [[Myconian Cave]] Loot ====
''' Myconian Cave Loot '''
| {{Loot|Ancient Bronze Coin}}
==== [[Eltibule]] Loot ====
;Level 30 Jewelry''' Eltibule Loot ''';Level 30 Augments
| {{Loot|Mandrake Root}}
| {{Loot|Ivory Spoon}}
| {{Loot|Orange}}
| {{Loot|Toxic Sludge}}
| {{Loot|Squash Seedling}}
| {{Loot|Oregano}}
| {{Loot|Mint}}
| {{Loot|Red Apple}}
| {{Loot|Barley Seeds}}
| {{Loot|Violet Seeds}}
| {{Loot|Beet Seedling}}
| {{Loot|Sugarcane Seeds}}
| {{Loot|Strange Dirt}}
| {{Loot|Ring of Arrows}}
| {{Loot|Leg Augment}}
| {{Loot|Amulet of Crushing Mitigation 4}}
| {{Loot|Amulet of Piercing Mitigation 3}}
| {{Loot|Amulet of Competent Fire Magic}}
==== [[Goblin Dungeon]] Loot ====
''' Goblin Dungeon Loot '''
* Loot goes here
==== [[Sun Vale]] Loot ====
''' Sun Vale Loot '''
| {{Loot|Mandrake Root}}
==== [[Rahu Sewer]] Loot ====
''' Rahu Sewer Loot '''
|{{Loot|Fox Glyph}}
==== [[Snowblood Shadow Cave]] Loot ====
''' Snowblood Shadow Cave Loot '''
* Loot goes here
[[Category:Wide-Ranging Monsters]]

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