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589 bytes added, 19:18, 6 August 2022
Summoning Skeletons
=== Summoning Skeletons ===
Through the '''Animate Monster''' [[Paleontology]] ability, you can attempt to bring collections of Mysterious Monster bones to a kind of undead life.To do this, first, you have to be in Povus.Then, you need one [[Mysterious Monster Skull (Povus)]], one [[Mysterious Monster Spine (Povus)]], and four [[Mysterious Monster Limb (Povus)]] for each attemptThe creature thus animated has a one in three chance of being either a [[Skeletal Gallimimus]], a [[Skeleton Triceratops]], or a [[Skeletal Sabretooth]]. Do note these are monsters and they will attack once they notice you are there. 
=== Skeletal Sabertooth ===

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