→Hang Outs: Added quote for Let Ashk practice new soothsaying techniques on you
{{Spoiler|Let Ashk practice new soothsaying techniques on you (8h)|
{{Quote|It worked! The long-form augury allowed me to choose a very specific future for you. I chose to make you more fleet of foot in the near future.
This technique could be huge! Of course, since it took eight hours of you standing perfectly still while I used a dozen chickens' worth of entrails, it's not really a very practical business practice tool... but still, knowledge is always good.}}
* Augury: Swift (1 hour) - (+3 out-of-combat sprint speed)
* 80 [[favor]] with [[Ashk the Answerer|Ashk]]
* Ashk's Tail-Ring of remembrance +20 health 10% chance to miraculously avoid death. {{Hint|This is Racial Jewelry.}}
== Quests ==