Updating drops, v380
=== Drops ===
<!-- To add drops, modify the relevant mob page and it will automatically be added to the following table. -->
<!-- Remove the dashes and arrows commenting this out when/if the item is added to a drop table. --dpl><!-- <dpl>noresultsheader = This item has not been submitted by an editor as loot, or may not exist as loot
category = Loot/Melted and Broken Shield
mode = unordered
table = class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed sortable", Monster, Location
</dpl> -->
=== Gathering ===
[[Serbule Hills Spider Cave]] leaning on a stack of boxes, in the dead-end cave leading to the center of the map. If this item is discarded after being gathered, a 22 hour cooldown timer begins which must expire before it can be gathered again.