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Butterfly Transformation

18 bytes added, 07:09, 18 May 2023
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You've consume far too much fairy dust and now you're a butterfly forever. There is no known cure for this affliction, although you recall rumors of a substance called a "[[Minor Panacea|panacea]]" that could help... but if such a thing even exists, it would be extremely rare. Your best option now is to learn to live as a butterfly.
As a butterfly you can fly outdoors and you have a 10% bonus to Metabolism Nature & Psychology base damage, but you suffer reduced inventory and other penalties.}}
Excessive consumption of [[Fairy Dust]] by a non-fairy may transform the eater into a butterfly for a five minute period. Upon transformation they will receive the message: "You've turned into a bug! Fortunately this will wear off...Suffer all fae racial penalties +25% Mentalism Base Damage".

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