Updating Treasure effects to v398 using auto-wiki generator
See also: [[Sword/Treasure Effects:By Ability]]
<!-- Updated to v398 on Sat Thu Nov 11 30 2023 0800:3754:27 55 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time) using FoxnEagle's auto-wiki-generator -->
{| class="table mw-collapsible<includeonly> mw-collapsed</includeonly>" style="width:100%;"
! style="width:8%"| Prefix !! style="width:8%"| Suffix !! style="width:55%"| Max-Level Version !! style="width:10%"| Slot !! style="width:15%"| Other Versions
| || of Fast Decapitation || <b>Level 100</b> - Decapitate Reuse Timer deals +250 damage and reuse timer is -12 seconds || Hands || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 10
:Decapitate Reuse Timer deals +25 damage and reuse timer is -2seconds
*; Level 20
:Decapitate Reuse Timer deals +50 damage and reuse timer is -3seconds
*; Level 30
:Decapitate Reuse Timer deals +75 damage and reuse timer is -5seconds
*; Level 40
:Decapitate Reuse Timer deals +100 damage and reuse timer is -6seconds
*; Level 50
:Decapitate Reuse Timer deals +125 damage and reuse timer is -8seconds
*; Level 60
:Decapitate Reuse Timer deals +150 damage and reuse timer is -9seconds
*; Level 70
:Decapitate Reuse Timer deals +175 damage and reuse timer is -10seconds
*; Level 80
:Decapitate Reuse Timer deals +200 damage and reuse timer is -11seconds
*; Level 90
:Decapitate Reuse Timer deals +225 damage and reuse timer is -11.5seconds
*; Level 100
:Decapitate Reuse Timer deals +250 damage and reuse timer is -12seconds
| || of Feinting || <b>Level 100</b> - Wind Strike causes Parry and Riposte boost your next attack Indirect Trauma Damage +24/tick for 30 seconds || MainHand, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to deal reveal|*; Level 10:Parry and Riposte boost your Indirect Trauma Damage +2/tick for 30 seconds*; Level 15:Parry and Riposte boost your Indirect Trauma Damage +4/tick for 30 seconds*; Level 30:Parry and Riposte boost your Indirect Trauma Damage +6/tick for 30 seconds*; Level 35:Parry and Riposte boost your Indirect Trauma Damage +8/tick for 30 seconds*; Level 50:Parry and Riposte boost your Indirect Trauma Damage +10/tick for 30 seconds*; Level 60:Parry and Riposte boost your Indirect Trauma Damage +13/tick for 30 seconds*; Level 70:Parry and Riposte boost your Indirect Trauma Damage +16/tick for 30 seconds*; Level 80:Parry and Riposte boost your Indirect Trauma Damage +18/tick for 30 seconds*; Level 90:Parry and Riposte boost your Indirect Trauma Damage +21/tick for 30 seconds*; Level 100:Parry and Riposte boost your Indirect Trauma Damage +24/tick for 30 seconds}}|-| || || <b>Level 100</b> - Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +142 damage 10000 || Legs OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 1
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +13 damage500
*; Level 10
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +19 damage1000
*; Level 15
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +25 damage1500
*; Level 20
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +31 damage2000
*; Level 25
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +37 damage2500
*; Level 30
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +44 damage3000
*; Level 35
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +51 damage3500
*; Level 40
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +58 damage4000
*; Level 45
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +65 damage4500
*; Level 50
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +72 damage5000
*; Level 55
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +79 damage5500
*; Level 60
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +86 damage6000
*; Level 65
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +93 damage6500
*; Level 70
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +100 damage7000
*; Level 75
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +107 damage7500
*; Level 80
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +114 damage8000
*; Level 85
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +121 damage8500
*; Level 90
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +128 damage9000
*; Level 95
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +135 damage9500
*; Level 100
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal Parry and Riposte temp-taunt the target +142 damage10000
| Platestriker || of Feinting || <b>Level 100</b> - Wind Strike deals +142 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 224 armor +142 damage || Legs, MainHand Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 1
:Wind Strike deals +13 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 10 armor +13 damage
*; Level 10
:Wind Strike deals +19 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 20 armor +19 damage
*; Level 15
:Wind Strike deals +25 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 30 armor +25 damage
*; Level 20
:Wind Strike deals +31 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 40 armor +31 damage
*; Level 25
:Wind Strike deals +37 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 50 armor +37 damage
*; Level 30
:Wind Strike deals +44 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 60 armor +44 damage
*; Level 35
:Wind Strike deals +51 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 70 armor +51 damage
*; Level 40
:Wind Strike deals +58 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 80 armor +58 damage
*; Level 45
:Wind Strike deals +65 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 90 armor +65 damage
*; Level 50
:Wind Strike deals +72 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 100 armor +72 damage
*; Level 55
:Wind Strike deals +79 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 110 armor +79 damage
*; Level 60
:Wind Strike deals +86 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 120 armor +86 damage
*; Level 65
:Wind Strike deals +93 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 132 armor +93 damage
*; Level 70
:Wind Strike deals +100 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 144 armor +100 damage
*; Level 75
:Wind Strike deals +107 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 156 armor +107 damage
*; Level 80
:Wind Strike deals +114 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 168 armor +114 damage
*; Level 85
:Wind Strike deals +121 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 182 armor +121 damage
*; Level 90
:Wind Strike deals +128 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 196 armor +128 damage
*; Level 95
:Wind Strike deals +135 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 210 armor +135 damage
*; Level 100
:Wind Strike deals +142 damage and Heart Piercer causes your next attack to deal 224 armor +142 damage
| Platestriker || of the Wind || <b>Level 100</b> - Wind Strike deals +46% and Heart Piercer deal 224 armor damage and gives you +20 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have) || NecklaceLegs, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 1
:Wind Strike deals +8% damage and gives you +5 Accuracy for Heart Piercer deal 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)armor damage
*; Level 10
:Wind Strike deals +10% and Heart Piercer deal 20 armor damage and gives you +5 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 15
:Wind Strike deals +12% and Heart Piercer deal 30 armor damage and gives you +5 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 20
:Wind Strike deals +14% and Heart Piercer deal 40 armor damage and gives you +5 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 25
:Wind Strike deals +16% and Heart Piercer deal 50 armor damage and gives you +5 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 30
:Wind Strike deals +18% and Heart Piercer deal 60 armor damage and gives you +6 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 35
:Wind Strike deals +20% and Heart Piercer deal 70 armor damage and gives you +7 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 40
:Wind Strike deals +22% and Heart Piercer deal 80 armor damage and gives you +8 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 45
:Wind Strike deals +24% and Heart Piercer deal 90 armor damage and gives you +9 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 50
:Wind Strike deals +26% and Heart Piercer deal 100 armor damage and gives you +10 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 55
:Wind Strike deals +28% and Heart Piercer deal 110 armor damage and gives you +11 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 60
:Wind Strike deals +30% and Heart Piercer deal 120 armor damage and gives you +12 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 65
:Wind Strike deals +32% and Heart Piercer deal 132 armor damage and gives you +13 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 70
:Wind Strike deals +34% and Heart Piercer deal 144 armor damage and gives you +14 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 75
:Wind Strike deals +36% and Heart Piercer deal 156 armor damage and gives you +15 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 80
:Wind Strike deals +38% and Heart Piercer deal 168 armor damage and gives you +16 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 85
:Wind Strike deals +40% and Heart Piercer deal 182 armor damage and gives you +17 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 90
:Wind Strike deals +42% and Heart Piercer deal 196 armor damage and gives you +18 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 95
:Wind Strike deals +44% and Heart Piercer deal 210 armor damage and gives you +19 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 100
:Wind Strike deals +46% and Heart Piercer deal 224 armor damage and gives you +20 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
| || of Finishing Elements || <b>Level 30</b> - Finishing Blow gives you 25% resistance to Elemental damage (Fire, Cold, Electricity) for 10 seconds || OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 30:Finishing Blow gives you 25% resistance to Elemental damage (Fire, Cold, Electricity) for 10 seconds}}|-| the Wind Dancer's || || <b>Level 30100</b> - Wind Strike gives you deals +5046% projectile evasion for 5 seconds || MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 30:Wind Strike damage and gives you +50% projectile evasion 20 Accuracy for 5 10 seconds}}|-| || || <b>Level 100</b> - Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +37% (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have) || ChestNecklace, Feet MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 1
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +8% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +6%3 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 10
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +10% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +7%4 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 15
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +12% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +8%4.5 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 20
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +14% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +9%5 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 25
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +16% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +5.5 Accuracy for 10%seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 30
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +18% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +11%6 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 35
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +20% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +12%7 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 40
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +22% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +13%8 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 45
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +24% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +15%9 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 50
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +26% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +17%10 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 55
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +28% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +19%11 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 60
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +30% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +21%12 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 65
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +32% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +23%13 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 70
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +34% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +25%14 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 75
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +36% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +27%15 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 80
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +38% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +29%16 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 85
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +40% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +31%17 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 90
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +42% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +33%18 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 95
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +44% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +35%19 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Level 100
:Flashing Wind Strike deals +46% damage and Hacking Blade Damage gives you +37%20 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
| || of Mortifying Wounds Finishing Elements || <b>Level 10030</b> - Decapitate deals +255 Finishing Blow gives you 25% resistance to Elemental damage and terrifies the target (Fire, Cold, Electricity) for 7 10 seconds || Legs OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 20:Decapitate deals +15 damage and terrifies the target for 7 seconds*; Level 20:Decapitate deals +35 damage and terrifies the target for 7 seconds
*; Level 30
:Decapitate deals +55 Finishing Blow gives you 25% resistance to Elemental damage and terrifies the target (Fire, Cold, Electricity) for 7 seconds*; Level 40:Decapitate deals +75 damage and terrifies the target for 7 seconds*; Level 50:Decapitate deals +95 damage and terrifies the target for 7 seconds*; Level 60:Decapitate deals +115 damage and terrifies the target for 7 seconds*; Level 70:Decapitate deals +150 damage and terrifies the target for 7 seconds*; Level 80:Decapitate deals +185 damage and terrifies the target for 7 seconds*; Level 90:Decapitate deals +220 damage and terrifies the target for 7 seconds*; Level 100:Decapitate deals +255 damage and terrifies the target for 7 10 seconds
| PaladinWind Dancer's || || <b>Level 130</b> - Flashing Wind Strike deals +35% damage and gives you +50% resistance to Darkness damage projectile evasion for 7 10 seconds || Chest MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 130:Flashing Wind Strike deals +25% damage and gives you 50% resistance to Darkness damage for 7 seconds*; Level 1:Flashing Strike deals +30% damage and gives you 50% resistance to Darkness damage for 7 seconds*; Level 1:Flashing Strike deals +35% damage and gives you 50% resistance to Darkness damage projectile evasion for 7 10 seconds
| || of Resurgence || <b>Level 100</b> - Finishing Blow restores 85 Power to you Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +37% || HeadChest, Hands Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 201:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +6%*; Level 10:Finishing Blow restores 12 Power to youFlashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +7%*; Level 15:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +8%
*; Level 20
:Finishing Blow restores 19 Power to youFlashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +9%*; Level 25:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +10%
*; Level 30
:Finishing Blow restores 26 Power to youFlashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +11%*; Level 35:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +12%
*; Level 40
:Finishing Blow restores 33 Power to youFlashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +13%*; Level 45:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +15%
*; Level 50
:Finishing Blow restores 40 Power to youFlashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +17%*; Level 55:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +19%
*; Level 60
:Finishing Blow restores 49 Power to youFlashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +21%*; Level 65:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +23%
*; Level 70
:Finishing Blow restores 58 Power to youFlashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +25%*; Level 75:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +27%
*; Level 80
:Finishing Blow restores 67 Power to youFlashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +29%*; Level 85:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +31%
*; Level 90
:Finishing Blow restores 76 Power to youFlashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +33%*; Level 95:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +35%
*; Level 100
:Finishing Blow restores 85 Power to youFlashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +37%
| || of Finishing Blows Stunning Decapitations || <b>Level 100</b> - Finishing Blow Damage Decapitate deals +56% 300 damage and the next attack you use stuns its target || Legs, MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 120:Finishing Blow Damage Decapitate deals +10%*; Level 10:Finishing Blow Damage +12%*; Level 15:Finishing Blow Damage +14%40 damage and the next attack you use stuns its target
*; Level 20
:Finishing Blow Damage Decapitate deals +16%*; Level 25:Finishing Blow Damage +18%70 damage and the next attack you use stuns its target
*; Level 30
:Finishing Blow Damage Decapitate deals +20%*; Level 35:Finishing Blow Damage +22%100 damage and the next attack you use stuns its target
*; Level 40
:Finishing Blow Damage Decapitate deals +24%*; Level 45:Finishing Blow Damage +26%120 damage and the next attack you use stuns its target*; Level 50:Finishing Blow Damage +28%*; Level 55:Finishing Blow Damage Decapitate deals +30%140 damage and the next attack you use stuns its target
*; Level 60
:Finishing Blow Damage Decapitate deals +32%*; Level 65:Finishing Blow Damage +35%160 damage and the next attack you use stuns its target
*; Level 70
:Finishing Blow Damage Decapitate deals +38%*; Level 75:Finishing Blow Damage +41%195 damage and the next attack you use stuns its target
*; Level 80
:Finishing Blow Damage Decapitate deals +44%*; Level 85:Finishing Blow Damage +47%230 damage and the next attack you use stuns its target
*; Level 90
:Finishing Blow Damage Decapitate deals +50%*; Level 95:Finishing Blow Damage +53%265 damage and the next attack you use stuns its target
*; Level 100
:Finishing Blow Damage Decapitate deals +56%300 damage and the next attack you use stuns its target
| Paladin's || of Final Swordplay || <b>Level 1001</b> - Finishing Blow Flashing Strike deals +35% damage and Decapitate gives you 50% resistance to Darkness damage +190 for 7 seconds || Feet, Ring Chest || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 1:Flashing Strike deals +25% damage and gives you 50% resistance to Darkness damage for 7 seconds*; Level 1:Flashing Strike deals +30% damage and gives you 50% resistance to Darkness damage for 7 seconds
*; Level 1
:Finishing Blow Flashing Strike deals +35% damage and Decapitate gives you 50% resistance to Darkness damage +20for 7 seconds*; Level 10}}:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +28|-*; | || of Resurgence || <b>Level 15:100</b> - Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +36restores 85 Power to you || Head, Hands || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 20:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +44restores 12 Power to you*; Level 2520:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +52restores 19 Power to you
*; Level 30
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +60*; Level 35:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +68restores 26 Power to you
*; Level 40
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +76*; Level 45:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +84restores 33 Power to you
*; Level 50
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +92*; Level 55:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +100restores 40 Power to you
*; Level 60
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +110*; Level 65:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +120restores 49 Power to you
*; Level 70
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +130*; Level 75:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +140restores 58 Power to you
*; Level 80
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +150*; Level 85:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +160restores 67 Power to you
*; Level 90
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +170*; Level 95:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +180restores 76 Power to you
*; Level 100
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +190restores 85 Power to you
| || of Deadly Concussions Finishing Blows || <b>Level 100</b> - Finishing Blow deals 530 Psychic damage after a 4-second delay Damage +56% || ChestLegs, OffHand MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 51:Finishing Blow deals 20 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +10%
*; Level 10
:Finishing Blow deals 40 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +12%
*; Level 15
:Finishing Blow deals 60 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +14%
*; Level 20
:Finishing Blow deals 80 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +16%
*; Level 25
:Finishing Blow deals 100 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +18%
*; Level 30
:Finishing Blow deals 125 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +20%
*; Level 35
:Finishing Blow deals 150 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +22%
*; Level 40
:Finishing Blow deals 175 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +24%
*; Level 45
:Finishing Blow deals 205 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +26%
*; Level 50
:Finishing Blow deals 235 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +28%
*; Level 55
:Finishing Blow deals 265 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +30%
*; Level 60
:Finishing Blow deals 295 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +32%
*; Level 65
:Finishing Blow deals 325 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +35%
*; Level 70
:Finishing Blow deals 350 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +38%
*; Level 75
:Finishing Blow deals 380 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +41%
*; Level 80
:Finishing Blow deals 410 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +44%
*; Level 85
:Finishing Blow deals 440 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +47%
*; Level 90
:Finishing Blow deals 470 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +50%
*; Level 95
:Finishing Blow deals 500 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +53%
*; Level 100
:Finishing Blow deals 530 Psychic damage after a 4-second delayDamage +56%
| || of Decapitations Final Swordplay || <b>Level 100</b> - Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +57.5% 264 || LegsFeet, MainHand Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 1
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +10%20
*; Level 10
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +12.5%32
*; Level 15
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +15%44
*; Level 20
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +17.5%56
*; Level 25
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +20%68
*; Level 30
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +22.5%80
*; Level 35
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +25%92
*; Level 40
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +27.5%104
*; Level 45
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +30%116
*; Level 50
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +32.5%128
*; Level 55
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +35%140
*; Level 60
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +37.5%152
*; Level 65
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +40%166
*; Level 70
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +42.5%180
*; Level 75
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +45%194
*; Level 80
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +47.5%208
*; Level 85
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +50%222
*; Level 90
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +52.5%236
*; Level 95
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +55%250
*; Level 100
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate Damage damage +57.5%264
| || of Foretold Finishes || <b>Level 100</b> - Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +137 for 60 seconds (and heals 137) 380 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage || Chest, OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +15 for 60 seconds (and heals 15)damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 10
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +21 for 60 seconds (and heals 21)30 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 15
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +27 for 60 seconds (and heals 27)45 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 20
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +33 for 60 seconds (and heals 33)damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 25
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +39 for 60 seconds (and heals 39)80 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 30
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +45 for 60 seconds (and heals 45)100 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 35
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +51 for 60 seconds (and heals 51)120 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 40
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +57 for 60 seconds (and heals 57)140 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 45
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +63 for 60 seconds (and heals 63)160 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 50
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +69 for 60 seconds (and heals 69)180 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 55
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +75 for 60 seconds (and heals 75)200 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 60
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +81 for 60 seconds (and heals 81)220 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 65
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +88 for 60 seconds (and heals 88)240 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 70
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +95 for 60 seconds (and heals 95)260 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 75
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +102 for 60 seconds (and heals 102)280 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 80
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +109 for 60 seconds (and heals 109)300 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 85
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +116 for 60 seconds (and heals 116)320 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 90
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +123 for 60 seconds (and heals 123)340 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 95
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +130 for 60 seconds (and heals 130)360 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
*; Level 100
:Decapitate increases Finishing Blow causes your Max Health next attack to deal +137 for 60 seconds (and heals 137)380 damage if it deals direct Psychic, Trauma, or Poison damage
| || of Murder Frenzies || <b>Level 100</b> - If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +525 63% direct damage to non-Elite targets for 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself) || Head, Necklace Hands || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +50 12% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 10
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +75 14% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 15
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +100 16% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 20
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +125 18% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 25
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +150 20% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 30
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +175 22% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 35
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +200 24% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 40
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +225 27% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 45
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +250 30% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 50
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +275 33% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 55
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +300 36% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 60
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +325 39% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 65
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +350 42% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 70
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +375 45% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 75
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +400 48% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 80
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +425 51% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 85
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +450 54% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 90
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +475 57% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 95
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +500 60% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
*; Level 100
:If Finishing Blow or Decapitate deals kills its target, you gain +525 63% direct damage to non-Elite targetsfor 15 seconds (this effect does not stack with itself)
| || of Flashing Life Decapitations || <b>Level 100</b> - Flashing Strike heals you for 75 health Decapitate Damage +57.5% || OffHandLegs, Ring MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 1
:Flashing Strike heals you for 3 healthDecapitate Damage +10%
*; Level 10
:Flashing Strike heals you for 6 healthDecapitate Damage +12.5%
*; Level 15
:Flashing Strike heals you for 9 healthDecapitate Damage +15%
*; Level 20
:Flashing Strike heals you for 12 healthDecapitate Damage +17.5%
*; Level 25
:Flashing Strike heals you for 15 healthDecapitate Damage +20%
*; Level 30
:Flashing Strike heals you for 18 healthDecapitate Damage +22.5%
*; Level 35
:Flashing Strike heals you for 21 healthDecapitate Damage +25%
*; Level 40
:Flashing Strike heals you for 24 healthDecapitate Damage +27.5%
*; Level 45
:Flashing Strike heals you for 27 healthDecapitate Damage +30%
*; Level 50
:Flashing Strike heals you for 30 healthDecapitate Damage +32.5%
*; Level 55
:Flashing Strike heals you for 33 healthDecapitate Damage +35%
*; Level 60
:Flashing Strike heals you for 36 healthDecapitate Damage +37.5%
*; Level 65
:Flashing Strike heals you for Decapitate Damage +40 health%
*; Level 70
:Flashing Strike heals you for 45 healthDecapitate Damage +42.5%
*; Level 75
:Flashing Strike heals you for 50 healthDecapitate Damage +45%
*; Level 80
:Flashing Strike heals you for 55 healthDecapitate Damage +47.5%
*; Level 85
:Flashing Strike heals you for 60 healthDecapitate Damage +50%
*; Level 90
:Flashing Strike heals you for 65 healthDecapitate Damage +52.5%
*; Level 95
:Flashing Strike heals you for 70 healthDecapitate Damage +55%
*; Level 100
:Flashing Strike heals you for 75 healthDecapitate Damage +57.5%
| || || <b>Level 100</b> - Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +62% 137 for 60 seconds (and heals 137) || LegsChest, MainHand OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 15:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +5%15 for 60 seconds (and heals 15)
*; Level 10
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +8%21 for 60 seconds (and heals 21)
*; Level 15
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +11%27 for 60 seconds (and heals 27)
*; Level 20
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +14%33 for 60 seconds (and heals 33)
*; Level 25
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +17%39 for 60 seconds (and heals 39)
*; Level 30
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +20%45 for 60 seconds (and heals 45)
*; Level 35
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +23%51 for 60 seconds (and heals 51)
*; Level 40
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +26%57 for 60 seconds (and heals 57)
*; Level 45
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +29%63 for 60 seconds (and heals 63)
*; Level 50
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +32%69 for 60 seconds (and heals 69)
*; Level 55
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +35%75 for 60 seconds (and heals 75)
*; Level 60
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +38%81 for 60 seconds (and heals 81)
*; Level 65
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +41%88 for 60 seconds (and heals 88)
*; Level 70
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +44%95 for 60 seconds (and heals 95)
*; Level 75
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +47%102 for 60 seconds (and heals 102)
*; Level 80
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +50%109 for 60 seconds (and heals 109)
*; Level 85
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +53%116 for 60 seconds (and heals 116)
*; Level 90
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +56%123 for 60 seconds (and heals 123)
*; Level 95
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +59%130 for 60 seconds (and heals 130)
*; Level 100
:Flashing Strike Damage Decapitate increases your Max Health +62%137 for 60 seconds (and heals 137)
| || of Flashing Life || <b>Level 100</b> - Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +580 1200 damage to undead non-Elite targets || Head, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +25 60 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 10
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +50 120 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 15
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +75 180 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 20
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +100 240 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 25
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +130 300 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 30
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +160 360 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 35
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +190 420 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 40
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +220 480 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 45
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +250 540 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 50
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +280 600 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 55
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +310 660 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 60
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +340 720 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 65
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +370 780 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 70
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +400 840 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 75
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +430 900 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 80
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +460 960 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 85
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +490 1020 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 90
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +520 1080 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 95
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +550 1140 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
*; Level 100
:Flashing Strike Decapitate deals +580 1200 damage to undeadnon-Elite targets
| || || <b>Level 100</b> - Heart Piercer heals you for 52 health Decapitate deals +245 damage. If the target is killed, Decapitate can be used again immediately. || OffHand, Ring MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 1:Heart Piercer heals you for 6 health
*; Level 10
:Heart Piercer heals you for 8 health*; Level 15:Heart Piercer heals you for Decapitate deals +10 healthdamage. If the target is killed, Decapitate can be used again immediately.
*; Level 20
:Heart Piercer heals you for 12 health*; Level 25:Heart Piercer heals you for 14 healthDecapitate deals +20 damage. If the target is killed, Decapitate can be used again immediately.
*; Level 30
:Heart Piercer heals you for 16 health*; Level Decapitate deals +35:Heart Piercer heals you for 18 healthdamage. If the target is killed, Decapitate can be used again immediately.
*; Level 40
:Heart Piercer heals you for 20 health*; Level 45:Heart Piercer heals you for 22 healthDecapitate deals +50 damage. If the target is killed, Decapitate can be used again immediately.
*; Level 50
:Heart Piercer heals you for 24 health*; Level 55:Heart Piercer heals you for 26 healthDecapitate deals +65 damage. If the target is killed, Decapitate can be used again immediately.
*; Level 60
:Heart Piercer heals you for 28 health*; Level 65:Heart Piercer heals you for 31 healthDecapitate deals +85 damage. If the target is killed, Decapitate can be used again immediately.
*; Level 70
:Heart Piercer heals you for 34 health*; Level 75:Heart Piercer heals you for 37 healthDecapitate deals +125 damage. If the target is killed, Decapitate can be used again immediately.
*; Level 80
:Heart Piercer heals you for 40 health*; Level 85:Heart Piercer heals you for 43 healthDecapitate deals +165 damage. If the target is killed, Decapitate can be used again immediately.
*; Level 90
:Heart Piercer heals you for 46 health*; Level 95:Heart Piercer heals you for 49 healthDecapitate deals +205 damage. If the target is killed, Decapitate can be used again immediately.
*; Level 100
:Heart Piercer heals you for 52 healthDecapitate deals +245 damage. If the target is killed, Decapitate can be used again immediately.
| || of De-escalating Heart Piercing Flashing Life || <b>Level 100</b> - Heart Piercer removes (up to) 264 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage Flashing Strike heals you for 75 health || ChestOffHand, Feet Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 51:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 17 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 3 health
*; Level 10
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 30 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 6 health
*; Level 15
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 43 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 9 health
*; Level 20
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 56 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 12 health
*; Level 25
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 69 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 15 health
*; Level 30
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 82 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 18 health
*; Level 35
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 95 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 21 health
*; Level 40
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 108 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 24 health
*; Level 45
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 121 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 27 health
*; Level 50
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 134 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 30 health
*; Level 55
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 147 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 33 health
*; Level 60
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 160 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 36 health
*; Level 65
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 173 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 40 health
*; Level 70
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 186 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 45 health
*; Level 75
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 199 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 50 health
*; Level 80
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 212 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 55 health
*; Level 85
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 225 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 60 health
*; Level 90
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 238 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 65 health
*; Level 95
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 251 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 70 health
*; Level 100
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 264 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damageFlashing Strike heals you for 75 health
| || of Heart Piercing || <b>Level 100</b> - Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +2262% piercing damage and heals you for 27 health || RingLegs, Necklace MainHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 51:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +35% piercing damage and heals you for 4 health
*; Level 10
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +48% piercing damage and heals you for 5 health
*; Level 15
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +511% piercing damage and heals you for 6 health
*; Level 20
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +614% piercing damage and heals you for 7 health
*; Level 25
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +717% piercing damage and heals you for 8 health
*; Level 30
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +820% piercing damage and heals you for 10 health
*; Level 35
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +923% piercing damage and heals you for 11 health
*; Level 40
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +1026% piercing damage and heals you for 12 health
*; Level 45
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +1129% piercing damage and heals you for 14 health
*; Level 50
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +1232% piercing damage and heals you for 16 health
*; Level 55
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +1335% piercing damage and heals you for 17 health
*; Level 60
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +1438% piercing damage and heals you for 19 health
*; Level 65
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +1541% piercing damage and heals you for 20 health
*; Level 70
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +1644% piercing damage and heals you for 21 health
*; Level 75
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +1747% piercing damage and heals you for 22 health
*; Level 80
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +1850% piercing damage and heals you for 23 health
*; Level 85
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +1953% piercing damage and heals you for 24 health
*; Level 90
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +2056% piercing damage and heals you for 25 health
*; Level 95
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +2159% piercing damage and heals you for 26 health
*; Level 100
:Heart Piercer deals Flashing Strike Damage +2262% piercing damage and heals you for 27 health
| Precision Healer's || of Flashing Life || <b>Level 100</b> - Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 22 Health Flashing Strike deals +580 damage to you undead || OffHandHead, Ring Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 15:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 3 Health Flashing Strike deals +25 damage to youundead
*; Level 10
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 4 Health Flashing Strike deals +50 damage to youundead
*; Level 15
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 5 Health Flashing Strike deals +75 damage to youundead
*; Level 20
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 6 Health Flashing Strike deals +100 damage to youundead
*; Level 25
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 7 Health Flashing Strike deals +130 damage to youundead
*; Level 30
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 8 Health Flashing Strike deals +160 damage to youundead
*; Level 35
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 9 Health Flashing Strike deals +190 damage to youundead
*; Level 40
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 10 Health Flashing Strike deals +220 damage to youundead
*; Level 45
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 11 Health Flashing Strike deals +250 damage to youundead
*; Level 50
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 12 Health Flashing Strike deals +280 damage to youundead
*; Level 55
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 13 Health Flashing Strike deals +310 damage to youundead
*; Level 60
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 14 Health Flashing Strike deals +340 damage to youundead
*; Level 65
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 15 Health Flashing Strike deals +370 damage to youundead
*; Level 70
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 16 Health Flashing Strike deals +400 damage to youundead
*; Level 75
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 17 Health Flashing Strike deals +430 damage to youundead
*; Level 80
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 18 Health Flashing Strike deals +460 damage to youundead
*; Level 85
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 19 Health Flashing Strike deals +490 damage to youundead
*; Level 90
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 20 Health Flashing Strike deals +520 damage to youundead
*; Level 95
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 21 Health Flashing Strike deals +550 damage to youundead
*; Level 100
:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 22 Health Flashing Strike deals +580 damage to youundead
| || || <b>Level 100</b> - Precision Pierce Damage +80 Heart Piercer heals you for 52 health || ChestOffHand, Feet Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 1:Heart Piercer heals you for 6 health
*; Level 10
:Precision Pierce Damage +Heart Piercer heals you for 8health*; Level 15:Heart Piercer heals you for 10 health
*; Level 20
:Precision Pierce Damage +16Heart Piercer heals you for 12 health*; Level 25:Heart Piercer heals you for 14 health
*; Level 30
:Precision Pierce Damage +24Heart Piercer heals you for 16 health*; Level 35:Heart Piercer heals you for 18 health
*; Level 40
:Precision Pierce Damage +32Heart Piercer heals you for 20 health*; Level 45:Heart Piercer heals you for 22 health
*; Level 50
:Precision Pierce Damage +40Heart Piercer heals you for 24 health*; Level 55:Heart Piercer heals you for 26 health
*; Level 60
:Precision Pierce Damage +48Heart Piercer heals you for 28 health*; Level 65:Heart Piercer heals you for 31 health
*; Level 70
:Precision Pierce Damage +56Heart Piercer heals you for 34 health*; Level 75:Heart Piercer heals you for 37 health
*; Level 80
:Precision Pierce Damage +64Heart Piercer heals you for 40 health*; Level 85:Heart Piercer heals you for 43 health
*; Level 90
:Precision Pierce Damage +72Heart Piercer heals you for 46 health*; Level 95:Heart Piercer heals you for 49 health
*; Level 100
:Precision Pierce Damage +80Heart Piercer heals you for 52 health
| || of Perfectly Timed De-escalating Heart Piercing || <b>Level 100</b> - Precision Pierce deals +157% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 264 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds || Chest, Ring Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Precision Pierce deals +100% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 17 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 10
:Precision Pierce deals +103% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 30 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 15
:Precision Pierce deals +106% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 43 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 20
:Precision Pierce deals +109% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 56 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 25
:Precision Pierce deals +112% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 69 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 30
:Precision Pierce deals +115% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 82 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 35
:Precision Pierce deals +118% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 95 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 40
:Precision Pierce deals +121% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 108 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 45
:Precision Pierce deals +124% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 121 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 50
:Precision Pierce deals +127% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 134 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 55
:Precision Pierce deals +130% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 147 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 60
:Precision Pierce deals +133% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 160 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 65
:Precision Pierce deals +136% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 173 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 70
:Precision Pierce deals +139% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 186 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 75
:Precision Pierce deals +142% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 199 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 80
:Precision Pierce deals +145% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 212 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 85
:Precision Pierce deals +148% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 225 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 90
:Precision Pierce deals +151% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 238 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 95
:Precision Pierce deals +154% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 251 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
*; Level 100
:Precision Pierce deals +157% Heart Piercer removes (up to) 264 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds
| || of Heart Piercing || <b>Level 100</b> - For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal Heart Piercer deals +80 22% piercing damage and heals you for 27 health || HandsRing, Legs Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal Heart Piercer deals +3% piercing damage and heals you for 4 damagehealth
*; Level 10
:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal Heart Piercer deals +8 4% piercing damageand heals you for 5 health
*; Level 15
:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal Heart Piercer deals +12 5% piercing damageand heals you for 6 health
*; Level 20
:For Heart Piercer deals +6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +16 % piercing damageand heals you for 7 health
*; Level 25
:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal Heart Piercer deals +20 7% piercing damageand heals you for 8 health
*; Level 30
:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal Heart Piercer deals +24 8% piercing damageand heals you for 10 health
*; Level 35
:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal Heart Piercer deals +28 9% piercing damageand heals you for 11 health
*; Level 40
:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal Heart Piercer deals +32 10% piercing damageand heals you for 12 health
*; Level 45
:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal Heart Piercer deals +36 11% piercing damageand heals you for 14 health
*; Level 50
:Heart Piercer deals +12% piercing damage and heals you for 16 health*; Level 55:Heart Piercer deals +13% piercing damage and heals you for 17 health*; Level 60:Heart Piercer deals +14% piercing damage and heals you for 19 health*; Level 65:Heart Piercer deals +15% piercing damage and heals you for 20 health*; Level 70:Heart Piercer deals +16% piercing damage and heals you for 21 health*; Level 75:Heart Piercer deals +17% piercing damage and heals you for 22 health*; Level 80:Heart Piercer deals +18% piercing damage and heals you for 23 health*; Level 85:Heart Piercer deals +19% piercing damage and heals you for 24 health*; Level 90:Heart Piercer deals +20% piercing damage and heals you for 25 health*; Level 95:Heart Piercer deals +21% piercing damage and heals you for 26 health*; Level 100:Heart Piercer deals +22% piercing damage and heals you for 27 health}}|-| Precision Healer's || || <b>Level 100</b> - Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 22 Health to you || OffHand, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 1:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 3 Health to you*; Level 10:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 4 Health to you*; Level 15:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 5 Health to you*; Level 20:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 6 Health to you*; Level 25:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 7 Health to you*; Level 30:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 8 Health to you*; Level 35:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 9 Health to you*; Level 40:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 10 Health to you*; Level 45:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 11 Health to you*; Level 50:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 12 Health to you*; Level 55:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 13 Health to you*; Level 60:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 14 Health to you*; Level 65:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 15 Health to you*; Level 70:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 16 Health to you*; Level 75:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 17 Health to you*; Level 80:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 18 Health to you*; Level 85:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 19 Health to you*; Level 90:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 20 Health to you*; Level 95:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 21 Health to you*; Level 100:Precision Pierce and Heart Piercer restore 22 Health to you}}|-| || || <b>Level 100</b> - Precision Pierce Damage +80 || Chest, Feet || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 10:Precision Pierce Damage +8*; Level 20:Precision Pierce Damage +16*; Level 30:Precision Pierce Damage +24*; Level 40:Precision Pierce Damage +32*; Level 50:Precision Pierce Damage +40*; Level 60:Precision Pierce Damage +48*; Level 70:Precision Pierce Damage +56*; Level 80:Precision Pierce Damage +64*; Level 90:Precision Pierce Damage +72*; Level 100:Precision Pierce Damage +80}}|-| || of Perfectly Timed Piercing || <b>Level 100</b> - Precision Pierce deals +157% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds || Chest, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Precision Pierce deals +100% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 10:Precision Pierce deals +103% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 15:Precision Pierce deals +106% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 20:Precision Pierce deals +109% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 25:Precision Pierce deals +112% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 30:Precision Pierce deals +115% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 35:Precision Pierce deals +118% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 40:Precision Pierce deals +121% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 45:Precision Pierce deals +124% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 50:Precision Pierce deals +127% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 55:Precision Pierce deals +130% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 60:Precision Pierce deals +133% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 65:Precision Pierce deals +136% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 70:Precision Pierce deals +139% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 75:Precision Pierce deals +142% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 80:Precision Pierce deals +145% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 85:Precision Pierce deals +148% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 90:Precision Pierce deals +151% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 95:Precision Pierce deals +154% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds*; Level 100:Precision Pierce deals +157% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 seconds}}|-| || || <b>Level 100</b> - For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +80 damage || Hands, Legs || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +4 damage*; Level 10:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +8 damage*; Level 15:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +12 damage*; Level 20:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +16 damage*; Level 25:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +20 damage*; Level 30:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +24 damage*; Level 35:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +28 damage*; Level 40:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +32 damage*; Level 45:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +36 damage*; Level 50:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +40 damage*; Level 55:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +44 damage*; Level 60:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +48 damage*; Level 65:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +52 damage*; Level 70:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +56 damage*; Level 75:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +60 damage*; Level 80:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +64 damage*; Level 85:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +68 damage*; Level 90:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +72 damage*; Level 95:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +76 damage*; Level 100:For 6 seconds after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +80 damage}}|-| || || <b>Level 1</b> - Chance to Ignore Stuns +0.3 30% when Sword is active || Feet, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 1:Chance to Ignore Stuns +0.25 % when Sword is active*; Level 1:Chance to Ignore Stuns +0.3 30% when Sword is active}}|-| || of Body Damage || <b>Level 100</b> - Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +50% while Sword skill active || Head, Necklace || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|*; Level 5:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +4% while Sword skill active*; Level 10:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +8% while Sword skill active*; Level 15:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +12% while Sword skill active*; Level 20:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +16% while Sword skill active*; Level 25:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +19% while Sword skill active*; Level 30:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +22% while Sword skill active*; Level 35:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +24% while Sword skill active*; Level 40:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +26% while Sword skill active*; Level 45:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +28% while Sword skill active*; Level 50:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +30% while Sword skill active*; Level 55:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +32% while Sword skill active*; Level 60:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +34% while Sword skill active*; Level 65:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +36% while Sword skill active*; Level 70:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +38% while Sword skill active*; Level 75:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +40% while Sword skill active*; Level 80:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +42% while Sword skill active*; Level 85:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +44% while Sword skill active*; Level 90:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +46% while Sword skill active*; Level 95:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +48% while Sword skill active*; Level 100:Indirect Poison Damage, Indirect Trauma Damage, and Indirect Psychic Damage +50% while Sword skill active}}|-| || of Hacking Blades || <b>Level 100</b> - Hacking Blade Direct Damage +46% || Head, Ring || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Hacking Blade Direct Damage +8%
| Hacking || || <b>Level 100</b> - Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 162 186 Trauma damage over 6 seconds || Necklace, OffHand || {{Spoiler|Click Expand to reveal|
*; Level 5
:Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 48 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
:Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 114 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
*; Level 65
:Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 120 126 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
*; Level 70
:Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 126 132 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
*; Level 75
:Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 132 144 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
*; Level 80
:Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 138 150 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
*; Level 85
:Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 144 162 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
*; Level 90
:Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 150 168 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
*; Level 95
:Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 156 174 Trauma damage over 6 seconds
*; Level 100
:Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 162 186 Trauma damage over 6 seconds