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Forthragarian Caves

137 bytes added, 18:14, 28 January 2024
Changed location of a future map and added connections
{{DUNGEON MAP infobox | name = Forthragarian Caves | connects mapimage = [[PovusImage:Forthragarian_CavesPlayerMap.png|400px|]] | arealevelportaldesc = 90Needs description | connects = [[Errruka's Cave ]], [[Nightmare Caves]] | pmapdescpclevel =90-95
[[Forthragarian Caves]] is a cavern which is part of a sprawling cave system underneath the [[Povus]] region. This cave system is often considered split into four sections. The [[Errruka's Cave]], [[Forthragarian Caves]], [[Nightmare Caves]], and [[Aktaari Cave]]. Trainers for the majority of the level 90 unlocks can be found in these caves.

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