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Combat Refresh

7 bytes added, 08:58, 27 February 2024
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[[Combat Refresh]] is the system used to restore armor, health, and power while [[Combat|in-combat]].(It will not auto refill in-combat.)<br/>Activating a skill's [[Basic Attack]] will activate this, on a 15 second cool down, not all skills have basic attacks that will activate this , however.
*Wearing different types of [[Armor|armor]] will boost the effects that combat refresh can give.
**[[:Category:Items/MetalArmor|Metal]] &rArr; Armor onlyand Power
**[[:Category:Items/LeatherArmor|Leather]] &rArr; Health and Power
**[[:Category:Items/ClothArmor|Cloth]] &rArr; Health, Power and Armor
**Organic (crafted) &rArr; a small amount of armor, power and health.

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