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646 bytes added, 18:01, 25 March 2024
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| 80 || Astounding Cow Barding (Max-Enchanted) || 1280 || 320 || {{Item icon|Superb Metal Slab|1}} [[Superb Metal Slab]] x2<br>{{Item icon|Astounding Metal Slab|1}} [[Astounding Metal Slab]] x2<br>{{Item icon|Tack Hammer|1}} [[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20% &#010;">(!)</sup></span><br>{{Item icon|Delicate Tack Hammer|1}} [[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20% &#010;">(!)</sup></span><br>{{Item icon|Grand Shaping Hammer|1}} [[Grand Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20% &#010;">(!)</sup></span><br>{{Item icon|Grass|1}} [[Grass]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Maximized Obsidian|1}} [[Maximized Obsidian]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Glowy Yellow Crystal|1}} [[Glowy Yellow Crystal]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || {{Item icon|Astounding Cow Barding |1}} [[Astounding Cow Barding |Astounding Cow Barding (Max-Enchanted)]]|| Level 80 COW-ONLY chest armor, infused with magic. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have. (Must be near a forge.) || <b>Training:</b> [[Leah Bowman]]
| 80 || {{Item icon|Astounding Alchemist's Claw |1}} [[Astounding Alchemist's Claw |Astounding Alchemist's Claw (Enchanted)]]|| ???? || 320 || {{Item icon|Superb Metal Slab|1}} [[Superb Metal Slab]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Ruby|1}} [[Ruby]] x3<br>{{Item icon|Silver Spring|1}} [[Silver Spring]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Whetstone|1}} [[Whetstone]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Primary Crystal]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || {{Item icon|Astounding Alchemist's Claw|1}} [[Astounding Alchemist's Claw]] x1 ||Level 80 claw/flask hybrid weapon, infused with magic. || <b>Item:</b> [[Toolcrafting: Astounding Alchemist's Claw]]
| 80 || {{Item icon|Astounding Snail Boots |1}} [[Astounding Snail Boots |Astounding Snail Boots (Enchanted)]]|| 1280 || 320 || {{Item icon|Giant Snail Shell|1}} [[Giant Snail Shell]] x3<br>{{Item icon|Snail Sinews|1}} [[Snail Sinews]] x2<br>{{Item icon|Leather Strips|1}} [[Leather Strips]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Grizlark|1}} [[Grizlark]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Primary Crystal]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || {{Item icon|Empty Bottle|1}} [[Empty Bottle]] x1 || Level 80 boots, infused with magic. (Must be near a tanning rack.) || <b>Item:</b> [[Toolcrafting: Astounding Snail Boots]]

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