→Toolcrafting Complete Recipe List
| 90 ||Awesome Spring Fairy Top (Max-Enchanted) || ???? || ???|| {{Item icon|Astounding Leather Roll|1}} [[Astounding Leather Roll]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Fae Silk|1}} [[Fae Silk]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Enchanted Holly Seeds|1}} [[Enchanted Holly Seeds]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Maximized Obsidian|1}} [[Maximized Obsidian]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Glowy Yellow Crystal|1}} [[Glowy Yellow Crystal]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Primary Crystal]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || {{Item icon|AwesomeSpring Fairy Shoes |1}} [[AwesomeSpring Fairy Shoes |Awesome Spring Fairy Shoes (Max-Enchanted)]]|| Level 90 chest covering, infused with magic. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have. (Must be near a tanning rack.) || <b>Training:</b> [[Toolcrafting: Awesome Spring Fairy Top]]
| 90 || {{Item icon|Awesome Alchemist's Claw |1}} [[Awesome Alchemist's Claw |Awesome Alchemist's Claw]]|| ???? || ??? || {{Item icon|Marvelous Metal Slab|1}} [[Marvelous Metal Slab]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Sapphire|1}} [[Sapphire]] x3<br>{{Item icon|Enchanted Construction Nail|1}} [[Enchanted Construction Nail]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Whetstone|1}} [[Whetstone]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Primary Crystal]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || {{Item icon|Awesome Alchemist's Claw |1}} [[Awesome Alchemist's Claw]] x1 ||Level 90 claw/flask hybrid weapon, infused with magic. || <b>Item:</b> [[Toolcrafting: Awesome Alchemist's Claw]]
| 90 || {{Item icon|Awesome Alchemist's Claw |1}} [[Awesome Alchemist's Claw |Awesome Alchemist's Claw (Max-Enchanted)]]|| ???? || ??? || {{Item icon|Marvelous Metal Slab|1}} [[Marvelous Metal Slab]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Sapphire|1}} [[Sapphire]] x3<br>{{Item icon|Enchanted Construction Nail|1}} [[Enchanted Construction Nail]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Whetstone|1}} [[Whetstone]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Vervadium|1}} [[Vervadium]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Glowy Yellow Crystal|1}} [[Glowy Yellow Crystal]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Primary Crystal]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || {{Item icon|Awesome Alchemist's Claw (Max-Enchanted)|1}} [[Awesome Alchemist's Claw (Max-Enchanted)]] x1 ||Level 90 claw/flask hybrid weapon, infused with magic. || <b>Item:</b> [[Toolcrafting: Awesome Alchemist's Claw]]