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26 bytes added, 15:18, 19 April 2024
Tweaking details about Charles Thompson, who is alchemy-related but doesn't teach it
|maxlevel = 50 <!-- List without bonus levels -->
|req = None
|skilltrainers = [[Azalak]], [[Charles Thompson]], <!-- List skill trainers, 3 max -->
{{Quote| source = [[Basics of Alchemy]] | icon = book |
==Alchemy NPCs==
'''[[Azalak]]''' is a friendly Mantis in north [[Serbule]] who can teach you some Alchemy recipes if you earn his trust.
'''[[Charles Thompson]]''', a human in [[Serbule]], practices Alchemy from his tent outside the walls of [[Serbule Keep]]. He has been known to teach some of his recipes to those who gain his trust.
'''[[Marna]]''' in [[Serbule]] will teach an Alchemy recipe if you gain favor with her.
'''[[Ragabir]]''' in [[Red Wing Casino]] teaches a lot of level 40 Alchemy recipes.
'''[[Charles Thompson]]''', a human in [[Serbule]], stores alchemy items in his tent outside the walls of [[Serbule Keep]]. He has been known to teach some of his [[Mycology]] recipes to those who gain his trust.
== Connected Skills ==
* [[Battle Chemistry]] - Battle Chemistry requires Level 50 Alchemy.
===== Related Skills:=====
* [[Gardening]] - Alchemy can be used to create [[Bone Meal]] and [[Rotten Meat]], which is sometimes used as fertilizercan be components of [[Bottle of Fertilizer]].
===== Synergy Levels: =====

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