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Unknown/Treasure Effects:By Slot

7 bytes removed, 13:40, 18 November 2022
Automatically generated. If there's an issue, please message Extractum11 on Discord - Subglacious#0413
<!-- Updated as of patch v259on November 17, June 19, 2016 2022 from v374-->==<!--astart-->Unknown Slot List==<spoiler show="Expand" hide"Hide"><b><u>Head</unoinclude>[[Category:Treasure Effects By Slot]]</b><brnoinclude>  <b><u>Chest</uspan style = "color: red"></b><br>  <b><u>Legs</u></b><br>  <b><u>HandsNote that this only shows the max-level version of each treasure effect.</u></b><br>  <b><u>Feet</u></bspan><br> 
* All Hammer attacks have a 25% chance to ignite the target, causing 650 damage over 20 seconds - <span style="color:red"><b>THIS MOD IS RETIRED. IF YOUR GEAR HAS IT, IT'LL BREAK SOON UNLESS YOU TRANSMUTE IT AWAY(DEPRECATED)</b></span><br>* Melee attacks deal +50 damage to Pigs - <span style="color:red"><b>THIS MOD IS RETIRED. IF YOUR GEAR HAS IT, IT'LL BREAK SOON UNLESS YOU TRANSMUTE IT AWAY(DEPRECATED)</b></span><br>  * All Hammer attacks have a 25% chance to ignite the target, causing 850 damage over 20 seconds <b><u>OffHand</uspan style="color:red"></b><br>  <b><u>Necklace</u>(DEPRECATED)</b><br>  <b><u>Ring</u></bspan><br>
<b><u>Waist</spoileru></b><br>* All Hammer attacks except for Pound have a 10% chance to restore 85 health and armor <span style="color:red"><b>(DEPRECATED)</b></span><br>

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