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Skeleton Corpse Keeper

1,131 bytes added, 19:56, 6 November 2016
Created page with "__NOTOC__ {{MOB infobox | type = Undead | armor = 400 | health = 585 | power = 150 | immune = Darkness | effective = Crushing, Fire | ineffective = Cold(Very)..."
{{MOB infobox
| type = Undead
| armor = 400
| health = 585
| power = 150
| immune = Darkness
| effective = Crushing, Fire
| ineffective = Cold(Very), Poison(Very), Trauma (Very)

Use [[Template:MOB_infobox]] for the infobox to the right. (From [[Sherzat]])

'''Skeleton Corpse Keeper ''' Description of the creature in question.

Optional other info on the creature.

<!-- Usually try to keep them in ascending order of levels, so for Deinonychus that are found in both low and high-level zones, Serbule Sewers would be be listed before Winter Nexus -->
{{MOB Location
| location1 = Kur Tower
| desc1 =

==Combat Abilities==
* Ranged Cold Damage
* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Ranged Cold Immobilize

==Reported Loot== <!-- Don't go too crazy with this, we only need 5 or six per mob. 10 at the most. -->

* Femur
* Strange Dirt

If the monster is a boss (special elites, or obvious bosses), add the Bosses Category and the relevant zone Category. Example:
[[Category:Bosses]][[Category:Sun Vale Bosses]]

If the mob is a Gorgon, add [[Category:Gorgon]]

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