==Small Talk==
* Likes Equipment with Mentalism prerequisites
* Loves Animal Horns
* Loves Animal Stingers {{Hint|Manticore Tail Tip/Basilisk Tail Tip/Scorpion Stinger +14}}
* Likes Animal Teeth {{Hint|Magic Tooth +19}}
; [[Meditation]]
: ''Unlock Meditation Skill Levels 51 - 60''
: ''Meditation Recipes #52-65''
; [[Pathology]]
: ''Unlock Pathology Skill Levels 51 - 60'' -- at '''Friends'''.
; [[Carpentry]]
: ''Great Melee Staff (Enchanted)'', ''Great Melee Staff (Max-Enchanted)'',
: ''Great Combat Staff (Enchanted)'', ''Great Combat Staff (Max-Enchanted)''
Rearranged some sections to make somewhat more consistent with other NPC pages
: Near the gate coming from the Ilmari Desert. On the left side as you enter the city.
==Small Talk==
* Likes Equipment with Mentalism prerequisites
* Loves Animal Horns
* Loves Animal Stingers {{Hint|Manticore Tail Tip/Basilisk Tail Tip/Scorpion Stinger +14}}
* Likes Animal Teeth {{Hint|Magic Tooth +19}}
; [[Meditation]]
: ''Unlock Meditation Skill Levels 51 - 60''
: ''Meditation Recipes #52-65''
; [[Pathology]]
: ''Unlock Pathology Skill Levels 51 - 60'' -- at '''Friends'''.
; [[Carpentry]]
: ''Great Melee Staff (Enchanted)'', ''Great Melee Staff (Max-Enchanted)'',
: ''Great Combat Staff (Enchanted)'', ''Great Combat Staff (Max-Enchanted)''
==Hang Out==