→Quests: added gallbladder quest
* Rabbit's Feet for Ashk (Neutral): Obtain 8 Rabbit Feet {{Hint|Rabbit's in Kur drop these}}
{{Spoiler|Reward: 100 favorFavor, pendant with + mentalism damage}}* Bear Gallbladder's for Ashk: Obtain 8 Bear Gallbladders{{Spoiler|Reward: 100 Favor, 1000 Councils}}
==== Soothsaying Training ====
At Close Friends, [[Ashk]] will offer you training in Augury recipes if you are able to defeat a creature for him, the [[Eye of Fate]].
Once the summoned creature is defeated, Ashk will offer training of Augury recipes in his Training menu. Learning Augury requires either [[Meditation]] 50 or [[Shamanic Infusion]] 50.
; [[Meditation]]