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General gameplay tips/Basics

582 bytes removed, 14:30, 1 September 2022
===User Interface ===
[[File:PlayerUiScreenshot.png|center|500x500px|InGame]]*Note: In this picture , you can also see a players player's Inventory(top right), party window(bottom right), and player Chat on the left.<br>[[File:PlayerUiScreenshot.png|500x500px|InGame]]<br><br>
For the current [[User Interface]] a player has 3 main panels.<br/>
These are <b><i>Main UI Bar</i></b>, <b><i>Equipped Skills</i></b>, and your <b><i>Special Abilities</i></b>.
<ol style="list-style-type:decimal;"><li>Main UI Bar{| class="wikitable" style="border-collapse:collapse; bordercolor:thick solid teal#eee;"|+ Main UI Bar| rowspan="57" style="border-rightpadding:solid teal5px; paddingwidth:0px60px;" | [[File:User interface right side.png|50px60px|The Main UI.]]|- style="border-bottom:dashed teal;"| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:AccountStatusIcon.png|60px|Account Status]]<br/>Account&nbsp;Status| style="border-left:dotted teal; border-right:dashed teal;" | A place to report bugs, Un-stuck toggle, Give Suggestion, Report Abuse.| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:InventoryIcon.png|60px|Inventory]]<br/>Inventory| style="border-left:dotted teal; border-right:dashed teal;" | Shows players current carried items| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:ChatIcon.png|60px|Chat]]<br/>Chat| style="border-left:dotted teal;" | Panel for talking to other players.|- style="border-bottom:dashed teal;"| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:SkillsIcon.png|60px|Skills]]<br/>Skills| style="border-left:dotted teal; border-right:dashed teal;" | Panel that shows the players current skills and their level in each.| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:MapIcon.png|60px|Map]]<br/>Map| style="border-left:dotted teal; border-right:dashed teal;" | Shows the zone map in which the player is currently in, if applicable.| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:QuestIcon.png|60px|Quest]]<br/>Quest| style="border-left:dotted teal;" | Shows the players current quest, stuff to do, and a notepad.|- style="border-bottom:dashed teal;"| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:RecipesIcon.png|60px|Recipes]]<br/>Recipes| style="border-left:dotted teal; border-right:dashed teal;" | Shows all recipes that the player has learned.| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:PetsIcon.png|60px|Pets]]<br/>Pets| style="border-left:dotted teal; border-right:dashed teal;" | Shows the players current pet(s).| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:PersonaIcon.png|60px|Persona]]<br/>Persona| style="border-left:dotted teal;" | Shows current Equipment, Player Statuses, and Player Abilities.
| style="text-align:center;padding:5px;" | [[File:AccountStatusIcon.png|60px|Account Status]]<br/>Support| style="padding:5px;" | A place to report bugs, Un-stuck toggle, Give Suggestion, Report Abuse.| style="text-align:center;padding:5px;" | [[File:ChatIcon.png|60px|Chat]]<br/>Chat| style="padding:5x;" | Panel for talking to other players.|-| style="text-align:center;padding:5px;" | [[File:InventoryIcon.png|60px|Inventory]]<br/>Inventory| style="padding:5px;" | Shows players current carried items| style="text-align:center;padding:5px;" | [[File:OptionsIconSkillsIcon.png|60px|Skills]]<br/>Skills & Abilities| style="padding:5px;" | Panel that shows the players current skills and their level in each.|-| style="text-align:center;padding:5px;" | [[File:MapIcon.png|60px|Map]]<br/>Map| style="padding:5px;" | Shows the zone map in which the player is currently in, if applicable.| style="text-align:center;padding:5px;" | [[File:QuestIcon.png|60px|Quest]]<br/>Quest Log| style="padding:5px;" | Shows the players current quest, stuff to do, and a notepad.|-| style="text-align:center;padding:5px;" | [[File:LoreIcon.png|60px|Books & Lore]]<br/>Books & Lore| style="padding:5px;" | Books and Lore that the player has read.| style="text-align:center;padding:5px;" | [[File:RecipesIcon.png|60px|OptionsRecipes]]<br/>OptionsCrafting| style="padding:5px;" | Shows all recipes that the player has learned.|-| style="bordertext-leftalign:center;padding:5px;" | [[File:PersonaIcon.png|60px|Persona]]<br/>Persona| style="padding:dotted teal5px; border" | Shows current Equipment, Player Statuses, and Player Abilities.| rowspan="2" style="text-rightalign:center;padding:5px;" | [[File:OptionsIcon.png|60px|Options]]<br/>Options| rowspan="2" style="padding:dashed teal5px;" | Shows various options..
*key commands,
*Mouse and Movement Parameters,
*Quit Game.
|-| style="text-align:center;padding:5px;" | [[File:SocialIcon.png|60px|Social]]<br/>Social| style="border-leftpadding:dotted teal; border-right:dashed teal5px;" | Shows players hunting group and Friends list.| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Item-icon-none.png|60px|Game]]<br/>Game| style="border-left:dotted teal;" | Word Game that players can Play. (Currently just a blank tile.)
<li>The <b><i>[[Skills|Equipped Skills]]</i></b> bars, at the bottom of the screen, are where you can see your currently equipped skills, be they combat, animal, performance ect.<br/>
The [[Controls|default controls]] for a player's <b><i>Equipped Skills</i></b> are:<ul>
These are the abilities that you will be using regularly.</li>
To the left and the right of the <b><i>[[Skills|Equipped Skills]]</i></b> are two additional buttons:
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:left;border-color:#eee;"
| style="text-align:center;padding:5px;" | [[File:PetsIcon.png|60px|Pets]]<br/>Pets
| style="padding:5px;" | Shows the players current pet(s).
| style="text-align:center;padding:5px;" | [[File:LoadoutsIcon.png|60px|Social]]<br/>Loadouts
| style="padding:5px;" | Shows the player's available Loadouts.
<li>The <b><i>Special Abilities</i></b> bar, far left of the screen, holds special action skills such as [[First Aid]], [[Armor Patching]], and even items from your inventory, allowing you to use items instantly.<ul>
| style="text-align:right;" | Turn On/Off GUI Windows || <kbd>=</kbd> || None
| style="text-align:right;" | Show Label Above Interactibles || <kbd>Alt</kbd> || None
*At the bottom of the options panel, the player can see their current [[wikipedia:Ping (video gaming)|<dfn><abbr title="Network delay">Ping</abbr></dfn>]], [[wikipedia:Frame rate|<dfn><abbr title="Frames Per Second">FPS</abbr></dfn>]], and [[Game updates|Game Version]].
*<i>Use Selected</i> is Handy to use in tandem with Select Next/Previous Non-Combatant, to quickly loot ground items,<br> or shuffle through a pile of dead mobs.
*For High-Res Screenshots <kbd>F12</kbd> is suggested.
*<b>For capturing screenshots in general and in particular <u>screen portions</u> [ Lightshot] is highly advicedadvised.</b>
*:Especially with it's default <kbd>PRT-SCR</kbd> key-usage.
Short and sweet version here check out [[Combat]] for a full run through of all buffs/equipment/effects.
[[File:Armor Health and Rage indicators.jpg||700px|Armor, Health and Power bars as of the alpha buildBeta Testing.]]
Above, you can see your characters Health (Red), Armor, Health(Yellow), and Power (Blue) as shown in-game. These are the players main resources while in combat, used to stay alive, protect health, stay alive, and use player skills, respectively. They can be regained through five diffrent ways: out-of-combat regain, in-combat regain, combat refresh, player skills, and consumable buffs. These diffrent types of in/out of combat are especially important to pay attention to as they have very diffrent rates.
*Out-of-Combat, is the regain when the player is not currently fighting any mobs. It is quite high compared to the other states, and it's free!
*In-Combat is a markedly lower regain of stats state while the player is fighting enemies. It's low regain makes it necessary for players to efficiently use their Combat Refresh while fighting. *Some player skills are healing skills or can be modified to give heals when they are used.
Vulnerability is another special mechanic for monsters, they periodically go into this vulnerable state and some abilities have a chance to cause it. Some attacks do extra damage against vulnerable monsters, so it’s sort of a whack-a-mole mechanic — you use your vuln-boost ability when you see the monster flashing vulnerable.<includeonly>
*Click on Expand in the table below to see the current combat skills available.
{{Spoiler| class="wikitable mw-collapsible <includeonly>mw-collapsed</includeonly>" style="text-align:left;border-color:#eee;"! style="text-align:left;width:10%;" | Skill! style="text-align:left;width:50%;" |Description! style="text-align:left;width:30%;" |How to obtain|-|[[Archery]] || Expertise with using bows to hunt and kill. || Learned by new characters automatically, however you need to find the bow and arrows in a dilapidated chest Click on [[Anagoge]] Island before you can use it.|-| [[Animal Handling]] || The art of taming animals and teaching them Expand to fight alongside you. || Learned from a Shrine outside [[Serbule Crypt]]|view currently available non-|[[Battle Chemistry]] || Using alchemical concoctions in the heat of battle. Not for the faint of heart, or the particularly sane, this animal combat style specializes in area affects of all typesskills. Advanced Practitioners can also ingest their formulae directly to take Individual skill pages provide information on new combat personalities. Masters can even create homunculi to serve them in battle. |discovering these skills!| A Test NPC in Marna's shop teaches this for now, but the intended functionality is that you need an Alchemy of 50.|-{{ #dpl: |[[Druid]] || Druidin' || Use the Druid Shrine in [[Sun Vale]]category = Combat Skills |-notcategory = Mechanics|[[Fire Magic]] || Using Fire to destroy your enemies. This is a very potent offensive skill, including long-range and area-effect attacks, and even some Cold attacks for versatility. However, there are drawbacks: Fire magic is extremely Power-intensive; all creatures generate extra Rage when they are burned; and many creatures have some resistance to fire. || Talk with [[Velkort]]|-|[[Hammer]] || Mastery of the user of hammer and clubs in combat. Hammers are generally considered the least versatile, least complex combat weapon, best suited to violent brutes. There are few abilities to learn, since it's so simple. Power consumption is higher than average, but so is damage. This is a weapon for crushing enemies, no more and no less. || Reach a higher Favor level with [[Agrashab]].|-|[[Mentalism]] || The power of mind over matterinclude = {Skill infobox}: psychic powers! This combat ability focuses on recovery and restoration, but it also has multiple damaging abilities. || Reach Friends Favor level with [[Echur]]caption |-columns = 1 |[[Necromancy]] || Necromancy is control over the undead, along with other powers that triffle with mortality. To use necromantic abilities, you must be wielding or wearing a necromancy gem. You can often find these on weapons, and less often on pieces of armor. (If you are in a beast form, necromancy gems in weapons won't work, but ones in armor will.) ((Subskilltable = class="sortable wikitable" style="width: [[Corpse Talking]]) || Use the Necromancy Shrine in [[Serbule Crypt]] Level 2.|-|[[Psychology]] || Understanding the mind of sentient creatures. Also100%", using that knowledge in combat and other stressful situations. || Discover Psychology on [[Anagoge]].|-|[[Shield]] || Expertise in the use of a shieldSkill, both as a weapon and as a defensive tool. || Reach Friends favor level with [[Tyler Green]]|-|[[Staff]] || Mastery of the staff as a martial weapon. Staff fighting has a mix of both offensive and defensive abilities. || Raise favor level with [[Hogan]].|-|[[Sword]] || Expertise with swords, rapiers and the like. Swords are very damaging, and can reduce an enemy's Rage. || Learned by new characters automatically, but you must find a sword on [[Anagoge]] Island.Description|-}}|[[Unarmed]] || Mastery of the martial arts. Not especially damaging, but with great controlling and stunning abilities. Generally requires one or both hands to be empty, although you can use kicks even with other items wielded. || Learned by new characters automatically while exploring [[Anagoge]] Island.|}}
General tips for choosing between the combat skills: <br>
- As a newer player consider having 1 primary combat skill and choose a support skill (e.g. Psychology or Mentalism) as your secondary. That will give much better ways to heal up during combat. There is also [[Skill Compatibility Chart|chart to indicate which combat skills can be used together]].<br>
- As a newer player the Archery and Fire Magic can be very expensive to level in above level 10. (Archery requires specialized higher quality arrows for the higher level abilities. Those arrows are generally not available to be bought from vendors. You would have to also level Carpentry and Fletching to be able to make your own arrows.)
{{:Damage Types}}
There are two categories of attacks, '''Direct''' and '''Indirect'''.
'''Direct''' attacks are ones that are actively initiated by the attacker. They can be:
* '''Melee''' attacks affect a single target with a range of 5m. Typically these are physical damage types, but also include spells like [[Fire Breath]] and [[Chill]]
* '''Projectile''' attacks are ranged attacks of any damage type. This is not just arrows and thrown knives, but spells like [[Fireball]] and [[Necromancy]]'s [[Death's Hold]].
* '''Burst''' attacks are typically magical area of effect (AoE) attacks that can strike 2+ targets at the same time. Spells like [[Ice Nova]] or [[Battle Chemistry]] bomb attacks are burst attacks.
* '''Indirect''' attacks are ones that either do damage over time (DoTs) or are the result of reflected damage. For example, [[Fire Breath]] does direct damage to a target, but also applies a DoT, doing damage every two seconds for 12 seconds. That DoT is indirect damage.
Another source of indirect damage are abilities that damage a melee attacker, such as [[Druid]]'s [[Brambleskin]] or [[Fire Magic]]'s [[Molten Veins]]. These do damage to a melee attacker when the they strike you. Some, like [[Molten Veins]], even have a DoT component as well, but all the damage applied is indirect. Note that these will not react to a burst or projectile attack unless otherwise stated.
* Often with physical attacks, if the target is being made to bleed for a period of time as a DoT, the damage is Trauma.
* The environment of [[Kur Mountains]] and [[Gazluk]] is considered indirect cold damage, and gear/potions/abilities that give a bonus against indirect cold damage will slow the loss of body heat in those zones.
===Evasion and Accuracy===
Some monsters possess the ability to sometimes evade direct attacks. There are also abilities and gear that can provide this protection to characters. Monsters tend to have a general evasion stat that is applied to all types of direct attacks. Character gear and abilities tend to be restricted to one category of direct attack, so melee evasion, projectile evasion or burst evasion.
Being stunned negates any evasion for the duration of the stun.
Another way to circumvent evasion is accuracy. Some gear or abilities provide general accuracy, applicable to any type of direct attack. Others only provide a bonus for one kind of direct attack.
Indirect damage is not affected by evasion. If a DoT is tied to a direct attack, the direct attack needs to hit first before the DoT can be applied, but evasion is not applied to each tick of the DoT. Similarly reflected damage hits a melee attacker regardless of any evasion that they possess.
===Levels & Skills===
**It is important to note that if active skill levels are too far apart (more than 25 levels), abilities that are above the 25 level difference are grayed out on the skill bars and unavailable for use. The player simply needs to select lower level abilities in the skill in order to use the same abilities.
**To change active skills (archery, sword, necro, etc) click the arrow button that is on the left side of the skill bar you would like to change.
** The [[Skills Compatibility Chart]] will show which combat skills can be paired together.
*Combat Level:

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