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Bloody Bandages

613 bytes added, 20:24, 9 April 2018
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__NOTOC__==RequirementsSummary==To start this quest, talk to [[Echur]]in Serbule has asked you for a strong bandage.
Difficulty: ===Prerequisites===To start this quest, talk to '''[[Echur]]''' in '''?[[Serbule]]'''. The quest is available at {{Favor|Tolerated}} favor.:==Guide=Preface==={{spoilerQuote|I was ... um... "sparring" with Joeh yesterday and things got out of hand. I've been having nosebleeds off and on ever since. And I can't stand blood! Can you get me a more potent bandage?}} ===Requirements===* Obtain 1 a {{Item|Good First Aid Kit.}}:* Talk to Echur ===Rewards==={{Spoiler|Rewards for Bloody Bandages|{{Quote|Thanks! This should do the job. Here, take these leftover simple bandages. Don't worry, they're not used!}} *50 {{Favor|favor, 5 }}* {{Item|Simple First Aid KitsKit}} x 5}}[[Category:Quests]][[Category:Quests/Serbule Quests]][[Category:Quests/Echur]]

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