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Ratuk the Thinker

233 bytes added, 22:17, 16 October 2014
Add skills, recipes, and the third quest.
* '''Ice Plane Research''': Deliver the Letter to [[Landri the cold]].
* '''Lichens for Research''': Obtain 5 Tundra Lichen.
* '''The Lightning Connection''' [Comfortable]: Collect 5 Fulgurite. {{Hint|A gemstone.}}
; [[Fire Magic]] <!-- organize abilities and recipes, and let the reader get ability info from the relevant pages -->
; [[Teleportation]]Recipes: ''XRecall Last Recall'': ''XRecall Somewhere'': ''XRecall Heart'': ''Xs Home'': ''XBind Alternate Circle'': ''XRecall Alternate Circle'' 
; [[Teleportation]] Skills
: ''Organ Displacement''
[[Category:Template guides]][[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Kur Mountains NPCs]][[Category:Tsavorite Gems]][[Category:Aquamarine Gems]][[Category:Magic Rings]][[Category:Fresh Citrus Fruit]]

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