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Gloria Stonecurl

611 bytes added, 23:07, 2 July 2018
Added final hangout
: 800 [[Priest]] XP
: [[The Gods, Vol. XI: Arisetsu]]
{{Spoiler|Learn combat techniques for Priests (8h) (Must be a [[Priest]])|
Gloria Stonecurl said, "You've got the basics of admonishing and castigating. Now, when it comes to undead, you want to use Castigation every time. It's super effective against them! In fact, the only thing more deadly to undead is a Flamestrike. I don't know that technique, but I've seen it done before. Boom! Exploded undead everywhere. Maybe you can learn that technique somewhere, but for now, stick with Castigation. It's tried and true and it always works.
: 69.55 favor with Gloria Stonecurl
: 1000 [[Priest]] XP

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