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Staff/Treasure Effects:By Slot

6 bytes added, 12:43, 1 October 2018
Automatically updated. If something is messed up, please message Extractum11 on the forums or in-game
<!-- Updated as of patch v304v307, May 25September 21, 2018 -->
==<!--start-->Staff Slot List==
<span style = "color: red"><b>Note that this only shows the max-level version of each treasure effect.</b></span>
* Phoenix Strike restores 99 Health to you<br>
* Headcracker and Strategic Thrust deal +16% damage and reuse timer is -1 second<br>
* Double Hit ignites the target, dealing 115 174 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds<br>
* Deflective Spin restores 36 Power after a 20 second delay<br>
* Blocking Stance restores 32 Power to you<br>
* Phoenix Strike restores 99 Health to you<br>
* Double Hit ignites the target, dealing 115 174 Fire damage over 15 12 seconds<br>
* Blocking Stance boosts your Direct Cold Damage +13.5% for 30 seconds<br>
* Lunge deals +39% damage to health and armor<br>

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