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Jace Soral

579 bytes added, 17:56, 26 November 2023
Hang Outs: added final hangout dialogue.
{{NPC infobox
|title = Jace Soral
|image = [[File:Jace Soral.jpg|300px]]
|caption =
|zone = [[Kur Mountains]]
|location = The campfire with [[Sanja]].
|anatomy = Human
|species = Lycanthrope
|beastspeak = Yes
|beastlist = Non-Human or Lycan|skilltrainer = [[Alchemy]]|vendor = vendorYes|storage = Yes|consignment = Yes
{{Quote|Yeah, let's talk about bullshit. Yak yak yak. There. We done now?
'''[[Jace Soral''' ]] is a humanoid form werewolf NPC that can support werewolf players in various ways. While not the absolute necessity that [[Sanja]] is, he may very well be the only vendor in Kur Mountains that werewolf players have access to. He refuses to talk to non-werewolf humans, and only grudgingly talks to non-werewolf animals.
Jace will not speak with humans. ==Location==
; [[Kur Mountains]]
: Near the North-Westernmost point on the map that isn't in the ocean, next to a campfire and [[Sanja]].
== Shopkeeper =={{Vendor items sold}}
 ==SellsFavor =====Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk||-| valign="top" <span style="widthfont-size:50%;"|><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]==={{vendor table first:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk}}{{vendor table row[[Category:Favor/Small Talk]] | item = == Hang Outs ===[[Good First Aid KitCategory:Favor/Hang Outs]] {{Spoiler| cost = 75 goldClean and prepare wolfsbane (1h)|{{Quote|I hate working with this stuff. Being so vulnerable to it and all! Thanks for making it a little easier. Here. Take these. They're used in wolfsbane bombs.}}:24 favor:3 x {{Item|Field Mushroom}} :3 x {{Item| icon = firstaidPerch}}
{{vendor table row Spoiler|Chop firewood and clean the campsite (4h)| item = [[Expert's First Aid Kit]] {{Quote| cost = 150 gold | icon = firstaidIt feels good to do simple work like this, doesn't it? Thanks. Oh here, take this junk with you.
{{vendor table row:70 favor with Jace Soral | item = [[Master First Aid Kit]] | cost = 300 gold | icon = firstaid:3 Power Potion Extreme
{{vendor table row Spoiler|Play poker with Jace Soral and Sanja (4h)| item = [[Good Armor Patch Kit]] {{Quote| cost = 75 gold | icon = patchkit'''Again?!''' How are you so good at this? Are you using mind magic on us? This is dumb. I'm out.
{{vendor table row:70 favor with Jace Soral | item = [[Expert's Armor Patch Kit]]:32 Red Game Chip | cost = 150 gold | icon = patchkit:8 Green Game Chip
{{vendor table row
| item = [[Master Armor Patch Kit]]
| cost = 300 gold
| icon = patchkit
{{vendor table row
| item = [[Second-Wind Slushie]]
| cost = 1500 gold
| icon = healthpot
== Quests ==
category = Quests/Jace Soral
notcategory = Quests/Warden Quests
mode = unordered
columns = 1
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
==== Warden Quests ====
Jace Soral offers quests only available to Warden characters.
category = Quests/Jace Soral
category = Quests/Warden Quests
mode = unordered
columns = 1
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
; [[Alchemy]]
: ''Wolfsbane Blade'', ''Wolfsbane Blade 2'', ''Wolfsbane Blade 3''
== Services ==
==== Consignment ====
; Jace Soral offers [[Consignment]] at {{Favor|Neutral}}.
: Mark-up fee of 10%, stocking fee of ??? Councils.
: Max 3 items.
==Services==; [[Storage]]====: 0 slots at {{Favor|Neutral}}.NPC STORAGE: 0 slots at {{Favor|Comfortable}}.npcname = Jace Soral: 15 slots at {{Favor|favorrestriction =Friends}}.: 20 slots at {{Favor|Close Friends}}.itemrestriction =: 25 slots at {{Favor|Best Friends}}.neutral =0: 30 slots at {{Favor|Like Family}}.comfortable =0: 35 slots at {{Favor|Soul Mates}}.friends =15|closefriends =20; [[Consignment]] - Neutral: 3 Items.|bestfriends =25|likefamily ==Hang Out==30{{Spoiler|Clean and prepare wolfsbane (60m)|:Reward?soulmates =35
== Events ======= Winter Celebration ====={{SpoilerHOLIDAY|Chop firewood and clean the campsite RiShin Friends = {{Item|Heinous Wolfsbaned Knife}} x10|RiShin Family = {{Item|Heinous Wolfsbaned Knife}} x10, {{Item|Yeti Knuckleduster}} (4hLv 45)|:35 favor with Jace Soral:3 Power Potion Extreme
== Conversations ==
[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Kur Mountains NPCs]][[Category:Human]][[Category:Vendor]][[Category:Skill Trainer]][[Category:Storage]][[Category:Consignment]][[Category:Talks to Animals]]

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