,Added a complete description of the liquor system
I mentioned above that this skill is the first that uses player-specific randomness -- and it might be the only one. The tech is being written with the idea that it might be reused for a few other craft skills, either old ones or new ones. But first I'll see how you like the system! Then we'll play it by ear with regard to future skills.
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} How to obtain specific hard liquors ==
Brewing hard liquor is slightly different than beer. Since all recipes at all level share the 3x4x5x4 pattern, figuring out recipes at low level enables one to know them at high level too. However, this is not immediate because contrary to beer, materials for recipes that follow the same pattern don't map one to one.
To make this more clear, suppose you know a recipe for Hegemony Lager Beer, for example Corn + Peach + Blood Mushroom Flakes + Cinnamon gives +X damage to Goblins. Using the order in which components are listed in the recipe, we can use the shortcut 4x2x4x1 (Corn is the 4th fruit, and so on).
Then, when creating Dwarven Stout, if you use components matching this 4x2x4x1 shortcut, i.e Corn + Peach + Black Foot Morel Flakes + Mint, you will obtain a slightly more powerful beer with +X damage to Goblins.
For hard liquors, this is no longer true. Black Foot Morel Flakes does not necessarily replace Blood Mushroom Flakes nor Mint replace Cinnamon. However, other components that replace Blood Mushroom Flakes and Cinnamon (this could be for instance Coral Mushroom Powder and Honey) will be the same for all recipes. So the essential difficulty resides in finding the mapping between these different components. Once known, all recipes at the higher level are known by replacing low level components with the proper high level one.
There are thirteen sets of components, listed below by category and tier:
* Fruit 1: Red Apple, Grapes, Orange
* Veggie 1: Parasol Mushroom Flakes, Mycena Mushroom Flakes, Boletus Mushroom Flakes, Field Mushroom Flakes
* Parts 1: Boar Tusk, Cat Eyeball, Snail Sinew, Rat Tail, Basic Fish Scale
* Flavor 1: Oregano, Mandrake Root, Peppercorns, Grass
* Veggie 2: Beet, Squash, Broccoli, Carrot
* Fruit 2: Guava, Banana, Lemon
* Veggie 3: Field Mushroom Flakes, Blusher Mushroom Flakes, Milk Cap Mushroom Powder, Blood Mushroom Powder
* Parts 2: Wolf Teeth, Panther Tail, Deinonychus Claw, Rabbit's Foot, Bear Gallbladder
* Flavor 2: Cinnamon, Muntok Peppercorns, Seaweed, Myconian Jelly
* Fruit 3: Pear, Peach, Green Apple
* Veggie 4: Coral Mushroom Powder, Groxmax Powder, Porcini Mushroom Flakes, Black Foot Morel Flakes
* Parts 3: Cockatrice Beak, Worm Tooth, Ectoplasm, Powdered Mammal, Barghest Flesh
* Flavor 3: Mint, Honey, Juniper Berries, Almonds
At low level, components tend to map one to one. For example:
* Red Apple -> Guava
* Grapes -> Banana
* Orange -> Lemon
Starting with Whisky, this is longer true and each mapping must be researched through trial and errors. Below are examples of some mapping that been found (speculated to be specific to each player):
* Boar Tusk -> Rabbit's Foot
* Cat eyeball -> Panther Tail
* Snail Sinew -> Bear Gallbladder
* Rat Tail -> Deinonychus Claw
* Basic Fish Scale -> Wolf Teeth
* Oregano -> Seaweed
* Mandrake Root -> Muntok Peppercorns
* Peppercorns -> Cinnamon
* Grass -> Myconian Jelly
* Wolf Teeth -> Worm Tooth
* Panther Tail -> Ectoplasm
* Deinonychus Claw -> Cockatrice Beak
* Rabbit's Foot -> Barghest Flesh
* Bear Gallbladder -> Powdered Mammal
* Cinnamon -> Almonds
* Muntok Peppercorns -> Honey
* Seaweed -> Juniper Berries
* Myconian Jelly -> Mint
To summarize, and using the mapping above as example, here are recipes for the +X damage to Goblins liquor (the recipe will be different for each player, of course) for each tier:
{| {{STDT}}
! Liquor
! Shortcut
! Recipe
| Potato Vodka || 2x2x4x4 || Grapes + Mycena Mushroom Flakes + Rat Tail + Grass
| Applejack || 2x2x4x4 || Grapes + Squash + Rat Tail + Grass
| Beet Vodka || 2x2x4x4 || Banana + Mycena Mushroom Flakes + Rat Tail + Grass
| Pale Rum || 2x2x4x4 || Banana + Blusher Mushroom Flakes + Rat Tail + Grass
| Whisky || 2x2x3x4 || Banana + Blusher Mushroom Flakes + Deinonychus Claw + Grass
| Tequila || 2x2x3x4 || Banana + Blusher Mushroom Flakes + Deinonychus Claw + Myconian Jelly
| Dry Gin || 2x2x3x4 || Peach + Groxmax Powder + Deinonychus Claw + Myconian Jelly
| Bourbon || 2x2x1x1 || Peach + Groxmax Powder + Cockatrice Beak + Mint
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Stat Bonuses}}