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2,962 bytes added, 15:00, 1 April 2023
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|image = [[File:Jumper.png|300px|]]
|caption = A strong deer who looks very relaxed.
|zone = [[Sun Vale]]|location town = [[Animal Town]]|location = Inside a tent.|anatomy = Ruminant|species = Deer|beastspeak = Be in Yes|beastlist = All, if animal form for 3+ hours.|skilltrainer = [[Deer]]|vendor storage =Yes
{{Quote |source=[[Jumper]]|
What I don't get is why so many druids transform into homely deer. If you could be any deer you wanted, why would you pick some average-looking face? It's like they can't even tell a pretty deer from an ugly one. Druids: so dumb! But they're okay guys. Dumb, but okay.
'''[[Jumper''' ]] is a male deer living in [[Sun Vale]]. He is often found at his [[Animal Town]] home, an enclave in the valley between two mountain ridges in the southeast corner of [[Sun Vale]]. He is in an open marriage with [[Daisy_(NPC)|Daisy]], who is staging an intervention for '''Bouncer''' due to his addiction to [[Bounceweed]]. '''Jumper''' is one of the many animals in [[Animal Town]] who will not talk to humans, nor will he talk to players who have recently been in human form. Players must spend three (3) consecutive in As a resident of [[Animal Town]], [[Jumper]] is only willing to hold conversations with characters that have transformed into a [[Beast Forms|Beast Form]] over 180 real-game hours in an animal form before '''Jumper''' will acknowledge world minutes prior to the conversation attempt. If you loose track of the player; time you last transformed, [[Norbert]] is willing to tell you how long you have until then, the player still "smells like a human"other residents will tolerate talking with you.
Players who want to raise their [[Deer (Skill)]] past level 50 must befriend '''Jumper''' in order to unlock the right to train 51-60.
Since [[Daisy]] did my [[Awakening]], there wasn't any wizard to give me a name. Daisy just called me Hotness. But they I tried Bounceweed and realized what my name should be.
== Favor ==
=== Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]===
[[Category:Favor/Small Talk]]
===Favor Rewards===
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Comfortable}}.|
{{Quote|You did me a solid and I won't forget that. Hey, if you need to store anything in our tent, there's some room.}}
:Enables Storage.
=== Hang Outs ===
[[Category:Favor/Hang Outs]]
{{Spoiler|Have some bounceweed with Jumper (4h) - Requires a [[Deer]]|
{{Quote|Oh man! Ha ha! Are you hurt? You can't jump off of mountains, you aren't a bird! You've gold a mild concussion. Don't worry, though: another dose of bounceweed will fix you right up. There. Feel better?
If you think that stuff was good, some day maybe we can try this super special strain that Daisy made for me. It's supposed to be amazing!}}:40 (estimated) {{Vendor_purchase_infoFavor|favor}} with [[Jumper]]:Bounceweed Buff:Concussion}}{{Spoiler|Try some of Jumper's special bounceweed (6h) - Requires a [[Deer]]|:50 (estimated) {{Favor|favor}} with [[Jumper]]:Bounceweed Buff}}{{Spoiler|Bounce around Sun Valve(8h) - Requires a [[Deer]]|{{Quote|You're getting better at keeping your feet tucked when you land. I think you're almost ready for the really good stuff: the ultimate bounceweed. It's a serious head trip, so think it over.}}:65 {{Favor|favor}} with [[Jumper]]:Bounceweed Buff}}{{Spoiler|Test out a new strain of bounceweed (10h) - Requires a [[Deer]]|:80 {{Favor|favor}} with [[Jumper]]}}
== Quests ==
== Training ==
:{| {{STDTclass = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" |sortable}}[[Deer]] !Ability NameUnlock!DescriptionSkill Level!Cost!LevelFavor !Damage{{NPC training row |-ability=Bounding Escape 3 | Deer skilllevel=51-60 |cost=9750 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | Unlock the ability to train the =Deer skill past 50 and up to 60 Kick 6 |skilllevel=53 |cost=9850 | 13800 or less favor=???}}{{NPC training unlock row |Icon=Unlock | item=Deer{{pipe}}Unlock Deer Skill Levels 51-60 |skilllevel=50 |cost=20000 |favor=Friends}}{{NPC training row |ability=Doe Eyes 4 |-skilllevel=54 | Deer 61-70cost=9900 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | Unlock the ability to train the =Deer skill past 60 and up to 70 Bash 6 |skilllevel=56 |cost=11500 | favor=??? }}{{NPC training row |ability=Summon Deer 4 | 60 skilllevel=56 |cost=11500 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |-ability=Pummeling Hooves 6 | Bounding Escape 3 skilllevel=57 |cost=11500 | You gain 7 sprint speed and enhanced jump control for 12 seconds favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=King of the Forest 4 | 9067 skilllevel=59 |cost=11650 | 51 |favor=???}}{{NPC training unlock row |Icon=Unlock |item=Deer{{pipe}}Unlock Deer Skill Levels 61-70 | Doe Eyes 4 skilllevel=60 |cost=100000 | You mitigate 20 damage from crushing, slashing, and physical attacks. (10 seconds) favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Antler Slash 7 | 9207 skilllevel=60 |cost=11700 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | 54 ability=Cuteness Overload 4 |skilllevel=61 |cost=14750 |-favor=???}}{{NPC training row | ability=Deer Bash 6 Kick 7 |skilllevel=63 | Stuns opponent cost=14850 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | 10695 ability=Bounding Escape 4 |skilllevel=64 | 56 cost=14900 || 83 Crushingfavor=???}}|-{{NPC training row | Summon ability=Deer 4 Bash 7 |skilllevel=66 | Summons a majestic deer cost=17000 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | 10695 ability=Doe Eyes 5 |skilllevel=65 | 56 |cost=14950 |favor=???}}|-{{NPC training row | ability=Pummeling Hooves 6 7 |skilllevel=67 | Target is taunted as if you'd done an additional 200 damage to them cost=10750 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | 10741 ability=Antler Slash 8 |skilllevel=70 | 57 cost=17200 || 85 Crushingfavor=???}}|-{{NPC training row | ability=King of the Forest 4 5 |skilllevel=72 | Targets are taunted as if you'd done an additional 250 damage to them cost=19800 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | 10834 ability=Deer Kick 8 |skilllevel=73 | 59 cost=19850 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | 88 Slashing (+7 Area Effect)ability=Forest Challenge |-skilllevel=15 | Antler Slash 7 cost=1450 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | Swing your antlers in a cutting motion (Works for does, too, because you're just that awesome) ability=Forest Challenge 2 |skilllevel=30 | 10881 cost=2700 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | 60 ability=Forest Challenge 3 |skilllevel=45 | 45 Slashingcost=6950 |-favor=???}}{{NPC training row | Cuteness Overload ability=Forest Challenge 4 || Maximize your cuteness to cause an enemy heart-wrenching guilt. || 10881 || skilllevel=60 |cost=11700 | 137 Psychicfavor=???}}{{NPC training row |-ability=Forest Challenge 5 | Deer Kick 7 skilllevel=73 |cost=19850 | Kick your enemy. || 13810 || 63 || 95 Crushingfavor=???|-}}
== Storage Services ==; ==== [[Storage]]====: 16 slots at {{FavorNPC STORAGE|npcname = Jumper|favorrestriction =Comfortable}}.: 24 slots at {{Favor|Friends}}.itemrestriction =: 32 slots at {{Favor|Close Friends}}.neutral =0: 40 slots at {{Favor|Best Friends}}.comfortable =16: 48 slots at {{Favor|Like Family}}.friends =24: 56 slots at {{Favor|Soul Mates}}.closefriends =32|bestfriends =40|likefamily ==Hang Out==48{{Spoiler|Have some bounceweed with Jumper (4h) - Requires a [[Deer]]|:35 favor with Jumpersoulmates =56
== Events ======= Winter Celebration ====={{HOLIDAY|RiShin Friends = 3x {{Item|Bounceweed}}, 2x{{Item|Cedar Wood}}|RiShin Family = 5X {{Item|Pure Bounceweed}} and <br><b>2-3 items which may include:</b> {{Item|Cinnamon}}, {{Item|Muntok Peppercorns}}, {{Item|Cedar Wood}} x2, {{SpoilerItem|Try some Amulet of Jumper's special bounceweed Max Health +30}} (6hLv 35) - Requires a [[Deer]], {{Item|:todoRing of Directness}} (Lv 35)
== Conversations ==
[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Sun Vale NPCs]][[Category:Ruminant]][[Category:Storage]][[Category:Skill Trainer]][[Category:Animal Town NPCs]]

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