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Drunk Sewer Rat

993 bytes added, 01:29, 28 April 2019
Create page for new War Cache creature
{{MOB infobox
| title = Drunk Sewer Rat
| type = Rodent
| health = 849
| armor = 473
| rage = 1025
| effective = Fire, Electricity
| ineffective = Poison, Trauma
[[Drunk Sewer Rat]]s are rather large and nasty vermin located within one of the flooded [[War Cache]] dungeons.
== Locations ==
{{MOB Location
| area = War Cache
| location = War Cache F-3
| health = 849
| armor = 473
| rage = 1025
== Combat Abilities ==
:{{Combat Ability|Crushing Damage}}
:{{Combat Ability Rage|Combat Ability=Heavy Slashing Damage 2|Heavy Slashing Damage}}
== Miscellaneous ==
|{{Item|Nice Animal Skin}}
|{{Item|Beast Meat}}
|{{Item|Small Animal Skull}}
== Reported Loot ==
==== General Loot ====
; Level 55 Jewelry
|{{Item|Rat Tooth}}
|{{Item|Rat Tail}}
|{{Item|Muntok Peppercorns}}
|{{Item|Cave Cheese}}
|{{Item|Elven Lily Seeds}}
|{{Item|Cedar Wood}}
|{{Item|Broccoli Seedling}}

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