Creating page
{{ITEM infobox
|name = Augmented Mantis Claw
|description = Magical runes have been etched into this claw to cause acidic explosions. Unfortunately the etchings weakened the chitin, and it's not suitable for use in constructing armor.
|value = 20
|extra = {{Spoiler|
|{{ITEM EXTRA infobox
| stack = 99
| keywords = <p>{{KW|AlchemyIngredient}}{{KW|AugmentedMantisClaw}}{{KW|CorpseTrophy}}</p>
=== How to Obtain ===
=== Gifting ===
=== Lore ===
{{ITEM infobox
|name = Augmented Mantis Claw
|description = Magical runes have been etched into this claw to cause acidic explosions. Unfortunately the etchings weakened the chitin, and it's not suitable for use in constructing armor.
|value = 20
|extra = {{Spoiler|
|{{ITEM EXTRA infobox
| stack = 99
| keywords = <p>{{KW|AlchemyIngredient}}{{KW|AugmentedMantisClaw}}{{KW|CorpseTrophy}}</p>
=== How to Obtain ===
=== Gifting ===
=== Lore ===