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Dry Gin

566 bytes added, 02:17, 22 February 2020
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{{ITEM infobox
|name = Dry Gin
|description = Pleasant, slightly citrusy, but with a distinctive bitterness too. It's said to be the favorite hard liquor of elves, but since elves mostly drink wine, that's not much praise.
|value = 1710
|extra = {{Spoiler|
|{{ITEM EXTRA infobox
| stack = 1
| keywords = <p>{{KW|AlcoholBarrel}}{{KW|AlcoholLevel}}{{KW|BrewingIngredient}}{{KW|Drink}}</p><p>{{KW|HardLiquor}}{{KW|HardLiquorBarrel}}{{KW|Lint_ImplicitKeywords}}{{KW|ReusableHardLiquorBarrel}}</p>

=== How to Obtain ===

=== Gifting ===

=== Lore ===

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