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Dye Making

3,815 bytes added, 13:36, 15 December 2023
'''__NOTOC__{{Skill infobox|title = Dye Making''' |image = [[File:Empty_Placeholder.png]]|caption = Skill in producing dye.|skilltype = Trade Skill |maxlevel = 100 |req = N/A|skilltrainers = [[Larsan]], [[Gurki]], [[Firaki]]}}== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview==[[Dye Making]] is the skill in of producing dye. These dyes can to be used applied to color armor. This skill covers only the creation of the dye; [[Textile Creation]], [[Tanning]], [[Blacksmithing]], or [[BlacksmithingToolcrafting]] is used required to apply the dyeto cloth, depending on what the leather, metal, or organic armor is made ofrespectively. The skill starts is learned automatically at level Level 1 once you purchase a dyerecipe is purchased.
You can see see some [[Example Dyed Armor|Examples of Dyed Armor here]]. Most dye recipes require either [[Flowers]] or [[Gems]]. Flowers are obtained through [[Foraging]] flower seeds and then growing them with [[Gardening]]. [[Gems]] are obtained through [[Surveying]]. ===VendorsIn-Game Description ===Skill in producing dye. These dyes can be used to color armor. This skill covers only the creation of the dye; Textile Creation, Tanning, or Blacksmithing is used to apply the dye, depending on what the armor is made of. === Training {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} ===; [[Serbule Keep]]: [[ThereseAzalak]] trains you in making Lemon Chiffon Dye making.: [[Charles Thompson]]'s colorization automaton, the [[Dye Monster]], teaches a number of dyes. (Level 16: Aquamarine, Pale Green, Dark Blue, Blue, White, Crimson, Dark Khaki, Yellow Green. Level 51: Royal Blue): [[Larsan]] sells {{icon|dyepot|size=16px}} trains you in dye making. He teaches both '''Dye Potlevel 1 & level 16 dyes'''. ; [[Eltibule]]: [[Suspicious Cow]] trains you in making Drab Grass Green Dye making.
; [[Kur Mountains]]
: [[Gurki]] sells teaches you '''level 15 16 dyes''': [[Laura Neth]] teaches Thistle dye
;[[FileIlmari]]:Antique White Back.jpg[[Firaki]]teaches you '''level 16 dyes ''' as well as selling {{Item|Dye Pot}} and {{Item|Gem Crusher}}.
;[[Rahu]]: [[Shirogin]] will impart the knowledge of {{Item|Gold Dye}} after completing a series of quests for him. ;[[Povus]]: [[Errruka]] will sometimes have dye recipes available as barters. == Connected Skills ======= Sub-Skills: =====* None===== Secondary Skills: =====* [[Blacksmithing]] - Used to dye Metal armor.* [[Tanning]] - Used to dye Leather armor.* [[Textile Creation]] - Used to dye Cloth armor.* [[Toolcrafting]] - Used to dye Organic armor.===== Related Skills: =====* [[Gardening]] - Flowers used in [[Dye Making]] are grown through Gardening.* [[Surveying]] - The gems used in [[Dye Making]] are collected through the completion of surveys.===== Synergy Levels: =====Bonus [[Synergy Levels]] for [[Dye Making]] can be obtained from the following skills and levels:;None{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Recipes}}== Obtaining Dyes ==Not every dye is craftable through [[Dye Making]]. NPCs may reward certain dyes after the completion of a quest, while others can be gained as a reward from an event. === [[Pennoc]]/[[Lakrea]]-only dyes (as a reward from Pennoc's random quests and Lakrea's holistic wellness quests).===* {{Item|Silver Dye}}* {{Item|Orchid Dye}}* {{Item|Light Salmon Dye}} === Dyes obtainable from Pennoc/Lakrea quests or from bartering with [[Orran]] during the [[Crafting Caravan]] event ===* {{Item|Forest Green Dye}}* {{Item| Royal Purple Dye}}* {{STDTItem|sortableDark Salmon Dye}} style ==="width:100%;"Event-only Dyes ===* {{Item|Misty Rose Dye}} was given out as a reward for a screenshot contest in 2018. ! Lvl !! Recipe !! class="unsortable"== Dyes obtainable from special events or from bartering with Orran during the Crafting Caravan event ===* {{Item|Slate Blue Dye}} was a potential reward during the [[Winter Holiday 2017]] event. More recent [[Winter Holiday]]s have included this dye as a gift from [[Firaki]]. Winners of a screenshot contest in 2018 were also given Slate Blue Dye. * {{Item|Ingredients !! classPitch Black Dye}} was given out to a few players around [[Halloween 2014]], and has been used by Developers as a raffle prize since. ="unsortable"== Crafting Caravan-only dyes (obtainable by bartering with Orran during the Crafting Caravan) ===* {{Item|DescriptionCadet Blue Dye}}* {{Item|Dark Goldenrod Dye}}* {{Item|Dark Red Dye}}* {{Item|Dim Gray Dye}}* {{Item|Violet Red Dye}}* {{Item|Peach Puff Dye}} === Unobtainable Dyes (as of 1/8/22) ==={||{{Item|Honeydew Dye}}|{{Item|Ivory Dye}}|{{Item|Deep Pink Dye}}|{{Item|Medium Violet Red Dye}}|{{Item|Orcish Wheat Dye}}|{{Item|Burly Wood Dye}}
| 1 {{Item|Goldenrod Dye}}|{{Item| Lemon Chiffon Chocolate Dye |}}| {{iconItem|lemonSienna Dye}} x2 |{{iconItem|waterMaroon Dye}} x1 |{{iconItem|dyepotDark Chocolate Dye}} x1 |{{Item| Lime Dye used to color a piece of clothing or armor lemon chiffon.}}
| 1 {{Item|Medium Spring Green Dye}}|{{Item| Dark Violet Deep Forest Green Dye |}}| {{iconItem|violetElectric Cyan Dye}} x2 |{{iconItem|waterLight Sea Green Dye}} x1 |{{iconItem|dyepotLight Steel Blue Dye}} x1 |{{Item| Powder Blue Dye used to color armour Dark Violet.}}
| 1 {{Item|Dwarfeye Blue Dye}}|{{Item| Pale Goldenrod Cornflower Blue Dye |}}| {{iconItem|pansyNavy Dye}} x2 |{{iconItem|waterMilitary Blue Dye}} x1 |{{iconItem|dyepotPlum Dye}} x1 |{{Item| Medium Orchid Dye used to color armour Pale Golden Rod}}
| 1 || Pink Dye || {{icon|dahlia}} x2 {{icon|water}} x1 {{icon|dyepot}} x1 |Item| Hateful Orchid Dye used to color armour Pink.|-| 1 || Purple Dye || {{icon|poppy}} x2 {{icon|water}} x1 {{icon|dyepot}} x1 || Dye used to color armour Purple.|-| 1 || Red Dye || {{icon|red Rose}} x2 {{icon|water}} x1 {{icon|dyepot}} x1 || Dye used to color armour Red.|-| 1 || Tomato Red Dye || {{icon|red Aster}} x2 {{icon|water}} x1 {{icon|dyepot}} x1 |Item| Indigo Dye used to color armour Tomato Red.|-| 1 || Deep Sky Blue Dye || {{icon|bluebell}} x2 {{icon|water}} x1 {{icon|dyepot}} x1 || Dye used to color armour Deep Sky Blue.
==Equipment related to Dye Making =={{Item|Gem Crusher}} is used to create new dyes.<br>{{Item|Dye Pot}} is used to create new dyes. {{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}} == Dye Making Experience Table =={{Spoiler|Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Dye Making|{{:Xptables/DyeMaking}}}} == Trivia ==* At one point, {{Item|Orange Dye}} had an appearance matching the current {{Item|Gold Dye}}. * For a few weeks in 2015, {{Item|Lemon Chiffon Dye}} and {{Item|White Dye}} would cause your character to reflect light and glow when outside.
* {{Item| {{STDTPitch Black Dye}}! Level !! Bonus !! Skill !! ||-|20 || +1 was given to || Textile Creation|-|40 || +1 to || Textile Creation|-|50 || +1 to || Artistry|-some players during [[Halloween 2014]] and as a screenshot contest prize that same year.
|}[[Category:Skills]][[Category:Trade Skills]]

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