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1 byte removed, 15:59, 26 February 2020
added some more related skills
* Receiving a Work Order scroll in monster loot or in a dungeon.
* Buying a Work Order from an NPC's Buy Used tab. Players often sell unwanted orders to [[Velkort]] and [[Hulon]].
* Consuming [[Decoction of Industry Knowledge]], sold by [[Qatik]] in [[Red Wing Casino]].
* [[Sheyna]] in [[Rahu]] offers the unlocks of levels 51-60 and 61-70.
== Connected Skills ==
===== Sub-Skills: =====
* [[Retail Management]] - Having 25 levels of [[Industry]] allows a reduced purchase price of the [[Retail Management]] skill from [[Selphie]].
===== Related Skills: =====
* [[Cooking]](including [[Sushi Preparation]] and [[Ice Conjuration]]), [[Tailoring]], [[Textile Creation]], [[Alchemy]], [[Leatherworking]], [[Tanning]], [[Toolcrafting]], [[Mining]], [[Cheesemaking]], [[Dye Making]], [[Fletching]], [[Brewing]], [[Blacksmithing]], [[Gardening]], [[Flower Arrangement]], and [[Carpentry]] all are skills that produce goods desired for Work Orders.
===== Synergy Levels: =====
* [[Rahu]] : Items obtained through Toolcrafting, Tailoring and Leatherworking
* [[Gazluk]] : Items...
* [[Red Wing Casino]] : Items obtained through Tailoring, Cooking, Dye making
* [[Fae Realm]] : Items ...
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Work Orders}}
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Stat Bonuses}}
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}
== Industry Experience Table ==
{{Spoiler|Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Industry|

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