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Zhia Lian Event: Kill Mortimer

1,920 bytes added, 16:47, 7 March 2020
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<i>Zhia Lian:</i> Oh, hey, I just remembered something! There's this toady little necromancer named Mort. He's always been a favorite of Harukita. Last year, some heroes managed to trap him in a pocket dimension, then put the dimension in a magic jar and bury it in a cave! But Harukita just caused it to mysteriously reappear. It's just lying in the snow in Kur. Look for a campfire near a stream, close to an orc settlement.

And listen: Mort's technically alive, so killing him is murder. BUT! He was dead, and UN-dead, off and on, for like fifty years before he made some kind of pact with Harukita. So don't sweat the murder thing. He's evil.

<i>[Mortimer is an encounter for a group of players with level 50 combat skills.]</i>

This Quest can be repeated after 60 days.

<i>Zhia Lian:</i> Oh, hey, I just remembered something! There's this toady little necromancer named Mort. He's always been a favorite of Harukita. Last year, some heroes managed to trap him in a pocket dimension, then put the dimension in a magic jar and bury it in a cave! But Harukita just caused it to mysteriously reappear. It's just lying in the snow in Kur. Look for a campfire near a stream, close to an orc settlement.

And listen: Mort's technically alive, so killing him is murder. BUT! He was dead, and UN-dead, off and on, for like fifty years before he made some kind of pact with Harukita. So don't sweat the murder thing. He's evil.

<i>[Mortimer is an encounter for a group of players with level 50 combat skills.]</i>

* Kill Mortimer

{{Quote|<i>Zhia Lian:</i> Mort's dead! Although realistically... he'll probably be alive again within a year. But at least he's not roaming free! You bought the orcs of Kur another year of life! That's worth something!}}
* 1500 councils
* {{Item|Event Loot Key (Universal)}}


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