Added correction to patch notes regarding Knife Fighting and stunned targets that was later posted on forums; see "forum.projectgorgon.com/showthread.php?1507"
::- There is a new Knife ability called Duelist's Slash. This is a variant of Slice that requires two knives equipped (dual-wielding). The ability can be found via loot scrolls
::- When a monster is Feared, it is treated as "not looking at anyone" for the purpose of abilities that do more damage if the target isn't focused on you.
::- When a monster is StunnedMezzed, it is treated as "not looking at anyone" for the purpose of abilities that do more damage if the target isn't focused on you. (This was supposed to be true before, but was bugged in some cases.)[Note: previously there was a typo in this patch note that said it worked on Stunned enemies instead of Mezzed. Stunning an enemy does not prevent them from looking at you; this is intentional and is not going to change.]
::- Knife abilities no longer generate the error message "The target is looking at you!" (even when it's true), because it was spammy and unnecessary
::- Fixed several bugs related to the monster-looking-at-you system