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No change in size, 01:16, 18 July 2020
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Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Bio: Lunaera is a class 3 nature-spirit([[Guide to Nature Spirit Classification]]), trickster and a shapeshifter. She has made pacts with many other nature spirits such as Dreva, Akhisa, Norala and Arisetsu for a small exchange of their power. That regardless what happens they will not attempt to kill each other. She however is violently opposed to the god of the Ranalon, Enoyos. She greatly enjoys playing tricks on Enoyos and his Ranalon. She takes on many different beast forms. It is said that once she was a mortal human. There is however no concrete evidence and would refuse to answer the question if asked. You're most likely to see her as a [[Wolfwolf]] but you may also catch her as a [[deer]], [[spider]], [[cow]], [[pig]], [[Spirit spirit Fox]] or bird ([[druid]]). Lunaera is a chaotic trickster. She has a sense of morality and will punish those she find wicked and bless those she finds good. Unlike many nature spirits that specialise on specific things she is a jack of all trades though her main focus is shapeshifting she uses this power for for the adaptability. If she were to represent any one thing it'd be change and adaptability. She is always happy to help those in need. Even humans. (But not Ranalon).

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